Syncing Between SingleOps & QuickBooks

In this article:

QuickBooks Sync Chart

Integrating SingleOps and QuickBooks Online

Post Integration Review

Syncable/ Non-Syncable Symbols from QuickBooks to SingleOps


QuickBooks Sync Chart

Here you will find a visual representation of "what" and "how" data sync between SingleOps and the accounting software Quickbooks. Note the arrows, some data will sync bilaterally, others in a single direction. 

Sync Direction


Typically used for different Verticals (Tree Care, PHC, Lawn Maintenance) but could also be used for physical location.


Product and Service
SingleOps syncs the Name, Income Account, & Category.


SingleOps syncs the name, Phone Number, Email Address, & Billing Address. New clients sync from SingleOps to QuickBooks with their first invoice.


SingleOps syncs the Vendor name only. All Vendors need a unique.

QB Account

SingleOps only syncs a SingleOps account with 1 QuickBooks file.

Income/Expense Accounts

Chart of Accounts
SingleOps syncs general ledger accounts from QuickBooks to SingleOps only. These can then be selected within your account, and Item settings. The 3 main account types used in SingleOps are Income, Expenses, and Liability (used for deposits).

Payment Terms

Terms must be entered into QuickBooks & synced to SingleOps. Additionally, they need to be deactivated in both systems.

Sales Tax Configuration

Sales Tax Configuration
Tax Rates & Tax Groups sync from QuickBooks to SingleOps as Tax Components & Tax Locations - these must be set up in Quickbooks & synced to SingleOps. It is not possible to create or edit them from SingleOps.


*Invoices only sync their balance back to SingleOps from Quickbooks, so that invoices paid in QB are marked as paid in SO. Invoices only sync from SingleOps to QuickBooks. SingleOps does not sync any Invoices from QuickBooks to SingleOps. By default, Per Visit Invoices sync to QuickBooks when the Job is Approved.

Purchase Order

Purchase Orders sync to QuickBooks when they're Approved or when the associated Job/Visit is Approved.


Receive Payments
Although technically Payments only sync from SingleOps to QuickBooks, payments do sync bi-directionally on SingleOps-originating invoices. Meaning, if a SingleOps Invoice has been synced to QuickBooks & is marked as paid in QuickBooks, the payment balance will sync to SingleOps & update the Invoice.


Refund Receipt

Deposits & Prepay

Sales Receipt
When a Deposit or Prepay is paid, it creates a Sales Receipt in Quickbooks at this time.


Additional Sync Information

Operation : Class

  1. For detailed reporting, you should create the operations that you want to use in SO as classes in QBO. 
  2. Classes created in QBO are synced over as operations in SO.

Item : Product and Service

  1. Categories/sub items will not sync from QB
  2. Each item will be associated with only 1 income account.
    *See List of Symbols & Characters Accepted when Syncing Between Quickbooks > SingleOps

Client : Customer

  1. Sub-clients are not supported in SingleOps.
  2. SingleOps will not allow duplicate client names. SingleOps recommendation is to add a middle initial, Mr./Mrs./Dr., etc. to differentiate clients with the same name.
    *See List of Symbols & Characters Accepted when Syncing Between Quickbooks > SingleOps

QuickBooks Account : Account

Only 1 Quickbooks account can be selected to a SingleOps account. If you run multiple businesses with multiple Quickbooks accounts, you will need to set up a new SingleOps account. 

Invoice/Expense Accounts : Chart of Accounts

  1. Review your chart of accounts to ensure you have an account for the following scenarios
    1. Undeposited funds
    2. Accounts Receivable
    3. Account for refunds
  2. Your chart of accounts should have an ‘Undeposited Funds’ account since SO will export payments to undeposited funds unless a different account is specified within SO Company settings. You can use a different account as well but it’s best practice to have an undeposited funds account. 
  3. Your chart of accounts should have an ‘Accounts Receivable’ account 
  4. Your chart of accounts should have a bank account that you pay refunds out from. You can pick any bank account that you like here, the name does not have to be specific. 

Payment Terms : Terms

  1. Payment terms must be synced from QBO to SO.
  2. Terms in QBO are synced as terms in SO and can be found within the terms settings page.

Sales Tax Configuration

  1. Sales tax configuration in SingleOps requires two divisions: Tax Components & Tax Locations. This means, in Quickbooks sales Tax must be set up as a combined tax or tax group.
    Set up sales tax in QuickBooks Desktop
    Set up your sales tax in QuickBooks Online
  2. Once a SingleOps account has been synced with Quickbooks, the only way to add Tax Components & Tax Locations is to first create them in Quickbooks & sync them to SingleOps.
  3. If you collect sales tax, sales tax items must be created in QBO to be synced to SingleOps.
  4. Sales tax items created in QBO will sync over to SingleOps as Tax Components under the Tax Configuration page within settings. Those Sales Tax Items then need to be placed into Sales Tax Groups in Quickbooks. The Sales Tax Groups will sync to SingleOps as Tax Locations allowing you to charge sales tax on your jobs.
  5. Note: If you have previously created tax locations in SO, these will not sync over to QBO and will create errors if you attempt to sync an invoice with an associated tax location. 


  1. Invoices generated in QuickBooks will not sync to SingleOps. 
  2. Invoices with no Line Items will not sync to QuickBooks.
  3. Learn more about when invoices are triggered to sync in the Invoices Page article. 

Purchase Order : Bill

  1. Approved purchase orders in SingleOps can be set up to create bills in QB. 
    1. Item in SingleOps marked 'reimbursable'
    2. Item added to a SingleOps PO
    3. PO marked approved
    4. Bill created - category level information will sync on bill

*Note: QB inventory is not impacted, no inventory will be added


Inventory syncing is not supported.
*Note: Quickbooks inventory can be depleted when a SingleOps invoice syncs to Quickbooks if an item on that invoice is Inventory type in your QB account. 

Deposits & Prepayments

  1. Turn off Custom Transaction Numbers setting in QuickBooks
  2. If you collect deposits and prepayments on your jobs, you will need to create deposit and prepayment items in QBO.
  3. Deposit Item 
    1. Create an item in QBO for deposits 
    2. Provide a name for the item (Note: don’t worry about a specific name, you can map it to deposits in SO)
    3. Map it to a liabilities account type 
  4. Prepayment item
    Deposits and Prepayments are the same in SO. You can use the item that you set up for deposits and vice versa.


  1. The setting: Custom Transaction Numbers must be turned off.
    Issue: This is tied to the invoice sequencing that we would need to do.
  2. The setting Automatically Apply Credits should be turned off.
    This is under the advanced settings page within Accounts and Settings.


Integrating SingleOps and QuickBooks Online

  1. To connect your SO account to QBO, simply navigate to account settings within the gear icon in SO.
    • Note: you must be an admin to perform this action.
  2. Within account settings, navigate to Quickbooks online
  3. Select connect and you’ll be prompted to enter your QBO credentials in QBO.
  4. If the credentials are valid, you will be redirected back into SO and the sync will begin.
  5. The initial sync will sync over the following items in the background over the span of several minutes


Post Integration Review

Items Review

  1. Make sure all Items in SingleOps have an income account identified.
  2. Run the items export in SingleOps to quickly verify which items do not have an income account specified. (This is only for Onboarding team members, users can’t export on their own)
  3.  Any Item that does not have an income account will not sync on future invoices and create errors.
    Why? An Item needs to be associated with an income QuickBooks account in order to be saved - This is so it tracks to the appropriate class on the Job level. For individual Items, there could be Items allocated to different departments, accounts, etc. This allows more control over where things are reported to in QuickBooks.

Tax Locations

  1. Review your tax locations to make sure that you don’t have any tax locations that were not synced from QBO.
  2. If you notice any discrepancies, please reach out to support to get the unsynced tax locations deactivated from your account. 

Integration Settings

Need to determine how the user wants to sync their transactional data over to QBO

  1. Default - When Job is approved, invoice will sync
  2. Sync Invoices when payment is received 
  3. Manual Syncing 


  1. Sync a fake invoice over with a few items 
  2. Delete the invoice in QBO after confirmation


Syncable/ Non-Syncable Symbols from QuickBooks to SingleOps

QuickBooks does not allow certain characters in Item names or Client names to sync over, even if the Item/Client was created in QuickBooks. They will sync from Quickbooks but will not allow SingleOps to sync any invoices with Item/Client that have these characters.

Characters Sync from QuickBooks to SingleOps

Symbol/Character Name Symbol Sync
Alpha-numeric A-Z, a-z, 0-9
Ampersand &
Asterisk *
At symbol @
Colon :
Comma ,
Exclamation point !
Minus sign/hyphen -
Parenthesis ()
Period / dot .
Plus sign +
Pound / number sign  #
Question mark ?
Semi-colon ;
Single quote '
Space .    .
Tilde ~
Underscore _
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