Attach PDFs

In this article:

Attach PDFs to ALL of One Type of Document Template

Attach PDFs to an Operation

Attach PDFs to a Job

Attach PDFs to an Item

Additional Notes


Attach PDFs to ALL of One Type of Document Template

Attaching PDFs to SingleOps documents can be done on the document template itself. For example, you may want to attach your Terms & Conditions to all Proposals sent out of SingleOps. In this case, the PDF would be attached to the Document Template itself.

  1. Navigate tomceclip0.png Setup > Templates > Document Templates
  2. Click Edit next to the appropriate document template
  3. Navigate to the PDF tab
  4. Toggle Append Attached PDFs to YES
  5. Click Click to Upload to add your PDF
  6. Select file(s) and click Open
  7. Click Update Document Template to save your changes 



Attach PDFs to an Operation

If a PDF is specific to a certain type of Operation (e.g., a design draft for Design/Build work), the PDF can be attached to the Operation & any documents (Proposal, Invoice, or Work Order) associated with that Job.

  1. Navigate to Setup > More > Operations
  2. Click Edit next to an existing Operation or create a New Operation
  3. Click Choose Files next to either or both:
    • Additional Proposal Documents - PDFs that should be included on proposals whenever the job is associated with this operation.
    • Additional Invoice Documents - PDFs that should be included on invoices whenever the job is associated with this operation.
  4. Select file(s) and click Open
  5. Update Operation when finished


Attach PDFs to a Job

  1. Navigate to a Jobs page and attach documents a few different ways:
    1. From the Create a Lead, Proposal or Active Job page, under the Additional Options section, next to Attach Image(s), click Choose Files

    2. From an existing Job, expand the Job number and click Attachments > View/Edit Photos

    3. Click Edit on an any existing Job and click the 'paper clip' icon, then Click to Upload attachments
  2. Select one or multiple file(s) and click Open
  3. When finished, Save the Job


Attach PDFs to an Item

  1. Navigate to Setup > Items > Items
  2. Click Edit next to an existing Item or create a New item
  3. Next to Attach Images, click Choose Files
  4. Select file(s) and click Open
  5. When finished, Update Item


Additional Notes

  • Email attachments that exceed 25MB will not be delivered.
  • Acceptable image formats: PDF, JPEG, PNG




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