Create a Task/Estimate from the Route Planner

Route Planner available on Plus & Premier Tier

Tasks can be created directly from the Route Planner. This is a fast and easy way to create and schedule an Estimate simultaneously for an existing Lead in SingleOps.

In this article:

Creating a Task in the Route Planner

Editing the Task

  • Adjust the Task Stop Time
  • Move the Task
  • View and/or Edit the Task

Route Planner on Mobile Devices


Creating a Task in the Route Planner 

If a Lead has already been created, but there is not yet a Task associated with that Lead, an Estimate (or other Task) can be added within the Route Planner. To do this, follow the steps below:
  1. Navigate to: mceclip0.png Route Planner > Route Planner
  2. Choose the desired Date of the new Task
  3. Unlock the Driver's Route (if Driver is not yet there, add the Driver, then Unlock his/her Route)
  4. Click the Time on the Route for which you want to schedule the Task
  5. Complete the New Task form and click Create Task to save

After the task is created, the length of the Task on the Route Planner will reflect the Default Route Length, as dictated in your Account Settings under Schedule.   



Editing the Task

To Adjust the Task Stop Time

  1. Hover over the end of the Task until the appears
  2. Click and drag to be as long or short as needed (in 15-minute increments)

To Move the Task

  1. Click and Drag the entire Task to another time

To View and/or Edit the Task

  1. Click the Task; the Task will become highlighted in red on the Map
  2. Click the magnifying glass to view Task details
  3. Click the Edit button to Edit the Task



Route Planner on Mobile Devices

Due to the Route Planner's complexity and the small size of most mobile devices, the Route Planner does not work on most cell phones and tablets. However, if the width of a device is 768px and above, the Route Planner will work using both the SingleOps Mobile App and Regular App (accessed through a browser on your device).

To find the exact width of your device, please refer to this website



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