Scheduling Best Practices

Scheduling Best Practices Webinar

Resources & Tools for Scheduling

Scheduling Workflows


Scheduling Best Practices Webinar

Follow this link to the Scheduling Best Practices Webinar.

[3:25] for Scheduling Best Practices Workflow
[5:08] Scheduling from the Calendar
[7:54] Scheduling from the Route Planner
[11:36] Resources & Tools for Scheduling, [11:36] Route Optimization, [13:17] Batch Reschedule
[15:19] Q&A

Sign up for upcoming webinars here!


Resources & Tools for Scheduling

SingleOps makes it easy to schedule drivers, sales reps and crews. Use the tools below to enhance scheduling, customer communication and satisfaction, and organization.

Maximize Efficiency

Tool Scheduling benefits
Optimize Route Route Optimization & Memorization available on Premier Tier, only.
The Route Optimization tool can be used to place the stops on a route in the most efficient order based on the event locations, as well as the Driver’s Operation location.
Batch Reschedule Batch Schedule & Reschedule available on Plus & Premier Tier
Reschedule Jobs in bulk.
Route Operations This is the Operation this user starts and ends their routes. An Operation with a location is required in order to optimize routes for this user.
Set up > Users > click on the User's name and find Route Operation. From the dropdown, select an Operation. Click Update User.


Enhance Communication & Customer Satisfaction 

Tool Scheduling Benefits
My Day Page Keep track of your entire team! The My Day Page displays everything scheduled for a User- Tasks & Visits, Items Summary, a Map with Pins representing stop locations, and helpful Visit information such as Crew Notes and Work Orders.
Automations Increase efficiency and free your team up to focus on what matters most. Automations allow you to set up automated email notifications to get you paid faster, close deals faster and improve your client's experience.


Stay Organized

Tool Scheduling Benefits
Configure Your Calendar View

Choose your calendar view depending on the size of your team. Production view keeps everything in one place. The split Sales & Crew option works well for larger teams.

  • Select specific Calendar views: Week, Month or Day and Production, Sales Rep, Crew Calendar.
  • Use the < and > arrows to display day/week.
  • Expand Task/Visit length of time by hovering over the bottom of the Task/Visit box, click and drag your mouse.
Apply User Colors and Priority Apply different colors to jobs based on the sales rep or crew assigned. 
Job Stage Colors  Visually track what's been done by reviewing the job stage colors. 


Scheduling Workflows

Scheduling from the Calendar

Scheduling from the Calendar is most convent for One-Off services.

      1. Navigate to the Calendar
      2. Open the Filter in the top right corner and filter down to specific, One-Off Operation(s) (e.g. GTC, Install, etc.). Drop open the Unscheduled Tasks and Visits section(s) to show filtered Tasks/Visits.
      3. Drag and drop desired Task/Visit directly onto the Calendar, lining up with correct time, day, Assignee, etc. See more tips on configuring your calendar view above. 

Scheduling from the Route Planner

Scheduling from the Route Planner is most convent for Recurring services.

      1. Navigate to the Route Planner
      2. Utilize Filters to filter down to specific, Recurring Operation(s) (e.g. PHC, Irrigation, etc.).
      3. Click the button in the top right to re-focus the map to show all ready-to-schedule Visit locations (in orange).
      4. On the User Level, utilize Route Operations and Optimize Route (see more info above) to determine where the driver starts and ends their route.
      5. When you're ready to schedule, click the Select button in the top right. This will allow you to batch schedule by clicking, holding and dragging your mouse across all Jobs you would like to schedule. Jobs will turn red.
      6. Click + Add Drives
      7. In the popup window, select a Crew and click Create Route.

The Crew you selected should now have all Visits scheduled.



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