Recommendations on Job naming?



  • When naming jobs, I always find it best to include a short description of the service and the client's name. For instance, a mulching job for Justin Bray might be called "Bray Mulch." Or a tree pruning for Samuel Clemens might be "Clemens Pruning." 

    I'm curious what other people do though. My way helps when looking at the job and on the calendar but I feel like there could be more information I get out of the job names!

  • We use the default setting "visit location" and make some additions to it.  For example, if the job is tree work for Joe Smith at 123 Main St, Anywhere, NY 12345, the default job name would be "123 Main St 12345."  We add the customer's last name to the front if it's residential, or the company/town name if it's commercial or municipal/utility, and shorthand combo of the work+year to the end.  In this case, "123 Main St 12345" becomes "Smith 123 Main St 12345 TW21."  This tells us the last name of the customer and that it was a tree job sold in 2021.  TW = Tree Work, LI = Landscape Installation, etc.  Not too complicated.

    We decided to incorporate the "TW21" or "LI21" when we started to accumulate multiple jobs for the same customer and those jobs started to occur in our 2nd year using SingleOps. We had a similar naming scheme in our older system and felt that it would be important to differentiate 1) the type of job being done for the client and 2) the year in which the job is occurring. 

    With multiple similar jobs, we add -2, -3, etc. to the names.  An representation of an actual job name that we created, after a homeowner lost a large tree in a summer storm that became job #1, and then more recently hired us to remove other trees for him, which became job #2, is "Smith 123 Main St 12345 TW21-2".  Hope this helps!


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