This article will list and describe what tools, tips, and key configurations are best fit to make your tree removal, tree pruning, stump grinding & debris clean-up Jobs operate smoothly.
General Tree Care best Practice Webinar
Follow this link to our General Tree Care Best Practice Webinar
Learn how to establish a routine that ensures consistent and accurate results, keeping your business running smoothly. We’ll cover key steps like creating tree care proposals, scheduling visits, and completing lead visits. This session will provide you with the tools to enhance your daily operations, ensuring you deliver reliable, high-quality service to your customers.
Sign up for upcoming webinars here!
Estimating Tools
RUP | If a visit ever needs to be split for a stump grinding, invoice Roll Ups enables SingleOps users to create a single invoice document by combining multiple existing invoices for the same client. Invoice Roll Ups can include two or more invoices, and must be created manually. Learn more about RUPs here. |
One-Off Job | One-Off Jobs are used when the services requested by the client will only occur once & generally over a short period of time. |
Map Pins | Map pins can be used to denote locations on a Job's site map in order to mark specific trees to treat, take down, remove, etc. Label species |
Scheduling Tools
Visit Splitting | The Visit Splitting feature is a fast and easy way to create a new Visit on a One-off Job when the tree removal is planned for one day and stump grinding is planned for another. Splitting a Visit into two, moves one or more Items on a Job to a 2nd Visit, but retains it's a One-off Job set up. |
Calendar | Schedule GTC Jobs from the calendar. Utilize the Crew Calendar to assign and schedule Visit to a crew member all in one drag & drop. |
Custom Inputs
JSA | Job Safety Analysis- Job site hazards for OSHA JSA compliance, enter any hazards at the site (power lines, wasp nests, hanging limbs). The TCIA requires this information for accreditation purposes. |
DBH | Diameter at Breast Height is a rough estimate of the size of the tree- used to estimate how long it will take to cut down the tree. |
Tips & Tricks
- If you would like to schedule a stump grinding on a different day, but do not want to include it on the proposal/ charge extra for this service, you can create a service and check "actual" and not "billable". Now you can select this service and split it out from the main tree work.
- Some locations have restrictions on pruning or removal of specific species of trees and require permits. You could add a tag: permit needed or permit received
- Have a crew lead fill in JSA compliance section before starting a job. Crews can not edit job info due to permissions restrictions which is why it's important to put in the JSA CI in the Additional Info section.
- Proposal groups can be used for bids which include multiple services.
- Items typically have a quantity measured in man hours.
- Trying to use prod rates for GTC will typically fail because there are too many variables.
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