Duplicate a Job

Duplicating a Job will help save time by making an exact copy of an existing job. A Job can be duplicated as a Proposal, Proposal with attachments, Active Job, or Active Job with attachments. 

In this article:

Before Duplicating a Job

Duplicate a Job


Before Duplicating a Job

When duplicating a Job, the Items on the Job being duplicated must have the Include in Renewals setting checked for that Item to cary over to the newly created Job. If the setting is not checked, the Item will not appear on Job Edit screen during duplication.

  1. Navigate to: Setup > Items > Items
  2. Click Edit next to the Item associated to the duplicated Job.
  3. Check the box next to Include in Renewals

  4. Click Update Item when finished.


Duplicate a Job

  1. Navigate to either the Leads page , Active Jobs page, Completed Jobs page or Approved Jobs page
  2. Select the Job you would like to Duplicate
  3. Click on the Job number button to open the Job
  4. Click on the green Duplicate buttonmceclip0.png
  5. This will drop down and display a few choices. Select the one that applies to you.mceclip2.png
  6. This will open the new, copied Job in edit mode so you can make any desired changes.
  7. Once finished, select Save & Close




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