Saved Reports

A Saved Report is a custom report that can be created and customized by an Admin User. This feature allows you to save a Report Template showing specific Operations, Job Stages, Sales Reps, Items, Item Groups, Custom Inputs, Tags, and Dates. This article will walk you through creating, using, and editing/updating a Saved Report.

In this article:

Create a Saved Report

Edit / Update a Saved Report

Saved Reports Video

Common Saved Report Types

Dynamic Date Range


Create a Saved Report

To create a Saved Report:

  1. Navigate to mceclip0.png Reports > Report Catalog
  2. Select the type of report you would like to customize from the Report Catalogmceclip6.png
  3. Once you have selected a report from the report catalog, click on Filter in the top right corner of the page. This will open up a drop down of all types of filters.
  4. Filter the report to your liking. (For more information on Date Range - Custom Range, follow this link to the Dynamic Date Range section of this article.)
  5. Now, you can add/remove/reorder columns. Click on Columns in the upper left corner below filters. Select/deselect columns you want to include. 
  6. Drag and drop column headers to place in a different order.
  7. Once you have selected all the filters and columns you would like for this saved report, click Save Report
  8. Name this custom report with a unique name.
  9. Select Save Report
    *Note: Saved Reports can be accessed by any Admin user of the account the Report is saved to.


Edit / Update a Saved Report

  1. Navigate to mceclip1.pngReportsReport Catalog OR Saved Reports
  2. Select the report you would like to edit/updatemceclip7.png
  3. Click the Filter drop down and change the filters to your specific requirements.
  4. When you are finished, select Save Filters to save the new filters.
    *To delete a Saved Report, select Remove Saved Report and select OK if you are sure you want to delete.


Saved Reports Video

*Note: Some of the content in this video may reflect a previous version of SingleOps. For a more accurate guide, please refer to the steps listed above.


Common Saved Report Types

Some other common Saved Reports include:

Crew Production Sales Managers Operations
  • Accepted/Unscheduled Job Backlog
  • Rejected Jobs Report
  • New Sales Report 
  • Materials Used (Completed/Approved Jobs)
  • Materials for Accepted Jobs


Dynamic Date Range

The Dynamic Date Range is a standalone control that offers a choice of absolute and relative dates (Yesterday, Last Month, Last Week), using different offsets from the current date.

Example: If today is January 1st and you set the date ranges on a Jobs report to reference 12/31-12/31 of the same year, the saved version will always populate data from 1 day before the current date.

Navigation: To set a Dynamic Date Range: On the Visits Report page, drop down the Filter button, click the boxes under Date Range-Custom Range and select dates from the calendar. See Dynamic Date Range Options bellow. 

Dynamic Date Range Options:

Yesterday 1 day before the current date
Last Week Sun-Sat of past week
Last Month 1st-31st of past month






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