SingleOps Terminology


Below is a list of terms commonly used in SingleOps, along with descriptions for each word or phrase.



 Active Job

The 3rd stage of the job workflow. Client has accepted the Proposal & the visit(s) need to be scheduled for work to be completed.


Actual items appear on the Job’s Work Order and contribute to Job costing


The 5th stage of the Job workflow. The completed Job/Visit has been reviewed & the Invoice will be synced to QB. The Complete & Approved stages can be combined, if needed, in Account Settings.


Employees responsible for completing the work on the job site


The price of billable items are billed to the Client. These items are shown on the Proposal and Invoice.

 Billing Location

The location associated with the client, not necessarily the visit location. Often different from the visit location if the Client  is commercial or has multiple properties.


The person or company requesting work.

 Client Notes

Notes that can be seen on Client facing documents (Proposal & Invoice).

Client Portal

Online portal where customers can view and pay invoices and accept proposals


Assign a color to a user to help identify who is scheduled for what on the calendar


The 4th stage of the Job workflow. All work is finished for the Job/Visit.


The primary point of contact for the job, if different from the Client. Ex: spouse, property manager, tenant, etc.

 Crew Notes

Notes for the Crew (gate codes, etc). Clients cannot see these notes. Crew Notes appear on the Work Order & My Day page.

 Customer Types

Allows segmentation of the customer base. Typically used to segment Commercial, Residential, and Municipal customers but could be used for other segmentation methods as well.

 Internal Notes

Typically used to describe the Client’s service request. Customers cannot see these notes.

Invoice Frequency

A schedule set on a recurring job for how often the client is billed


The service, material, labor, equipment, or discount added to a job

 Item Group

A several items bid together as a single service offering to the client. (Ex. A fertilizer application that includes labor, materials, and equipment but shows as a single line to the client.)


A job is the primary element created for a client in SingleOps that lies within any of the 5 stages of the job workflow (Lead, Proposal, Active, Completed, & Approved). A job maintains the same reference number throughout the workflow.

 Job Name

The name that will show on the calendar and throughout the lifecycle of the job.

 Labor Resource

Individual Employees in SingleOps. This differs from a user at the crew level since typically only the crew leader is a user but every crew member is a labor resource.


The earliest stage of a job, prior to the proposal being created or accepted.

 Loaded Labor  Rate

A formula that SingleOps uses to calculate labor burden on jobs. This way, instead of the cost only including wages, it can also include things like payroll tax, insurance, etc.


Markup from cost (Can default to display as a percentage or dollar amount).

My Day

A central location for crew users to review their daily schedule.


Visits that are generated ad-hoc. Mainly utilized for Snow work.

 One-Off Job

A Job with one visit. 


Simply a way to segment your business and varies for each company. Ex: Locations, branches, divisions, etc. The equivalent to a Class in QuickBooks.

 Production Rate

An equation that takes a measurement (i.e. square feet) and tells us what the estimated quantity of labor or material would be for a given service. This always finds the quantity and not the price.


The second stage of the job workflow. Also referred to in the industry as an estimate, quote, or bid.  It is a billable scope of work given to a Client.

 Proposal Level

Estimators can select 1 of 3 levels per line item: Included (a static item on the proposal), Recommended (a pre-selected option that the customer can opt out of), or Optional (an item the customer can add on to their job).


The number or amount of an item used to determine total cost/price

Route Optimization

A feature in SingleOps that aids in routing crews more efficiently

 Sales Rep

The estimator assigned to the job, as well as the task created for the on-site estimate.


Color coded identifiers used to organize Jobs, Visits, PO’s, & even Clients in SingleOps.


A to-do that can be scheduled on the calendar or route planner. Costs/Prices are not associated with tasks. Tasks are most commonly associated with a Lead and used to schedule the onsite estimate. However, they can be used to block appointments, internal trainings, and more.

 Unit Cost

The cost of an item to the company

 Unit Price

Price per unit billed to the Client


A visit is always associated with a Job. A job could have 1 or many visits. It is actual work to be done on-site and will have a work order associated with it.

 Visit Location

The physical location where work will be completed.






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