FAQ: SingleOps Payments Powered by ProPay

In this article:


ProPay Fees


Funding & Reconciliation

ProPay Account

Please contact SingleOps Support for help with SingleOps Payments. Our team is best equipped to engage with our processing partner (ProPay) and get you the fastest answer. Contact SingleOps Support here.



Division of Global Payments, the leading worldwide provider of payment technology and software solutions.

CC Fees

Competitive flat rates + 20c per transaction
Gross billing, monthly statement

ACH Fees

1% per transaction

(fee capped at $10)
Net billing, fee taken before funds deposited

Approval Process

Instant approval
Get Started HERE

Average Days to Fund 1-2 business days
Support Process Contact SingleOps Support


ProPay Fees

There are no costs to get started with SingleOps Payments. We offer a competitive flat rate so that you are never surprised by a bill and can forecast expenses accurately.

Credit Card/ Debit Card Processing Fees

Competitive flat rates + 20c per transaction
Gross billing, monthly statement

ACH Processing Fees

1% per transaction

(fee capped at $10)
Net billing, fee taken before funds deposited

Card Brand Dues

Dues levied directly by the card networks (Visa, Mastercard, etc.)

Sweep Fee

.30c fee per deposit to bank account, regardless the amount of transactions



Limits help ProPay identify what your typical processing volume is, so that they can be alerted of anomalies and better detect potential fraud.

Limits are all soft limits and will never prevent you from accepting payments. Transfers will only be delayed if you exceed 300% of your pre-approved transactions volume limit. Once you exceed the limit itself, you may be asked to complete additional underwriting steps in order to have your limit increased, so that transfers are never delayed. 

ProPay has a refund limit of $5000 dollars per transaction. Any refund of a higher amount will need to be handled through ProPay directly (or through SingleOps Support).

Default Limits for New Sign Ups
Credit Card Monthly Volume Limit $100,000
Credit Card Per transaction Limit $2,000
ACH Monthly Volume Limit $50,000
ACH Card Per transaction Limit $2,000
Negative Limit
Negative Limit is the amount your account balance is allowed to go into negative in order to process a refund.


Increase Limits

If you need to increase your limits please send an email to SingleOps Support at support@singleops.com


Funding & Reconciliation

ProPay will batch payments together and deposit in daily sweeps. It may take a few days for the transaction to hit your bank account, but ProPay will make deposits daily. ProPay batches payments at 4:10am EST. 

The Sweep Report in the ProPay account can be used for reconciliation. It will show all transactions included within the day's batch/sweep. It’s our recommended best practice to match payments daily. 


ProPay Account 

Your ProPay account can be accessed at https://epay.propay.com/login/

To allow more than one person access to a ProPay account, you will need to contact the SingleOps Support team to put in a request at ProPay to enable (up to 4) sub users. The owner/admin for the ProPay account will need to enter users in manually after this is enabled.

The person who signed up for ProPay initially would have received an email with the credentials, such as username and password, to log into this account. If you cannot find that email and need it resent - please reach out to SingleOps Support so our team can request ProPay to send it out again.

*Note: Processing your own card, as per the terms and conditions that you agreed to when creating a ProPay account, is not allowed. See Merchant Services Terms and Conditions for more information.

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