Create a Lead

A Lead is the first stage of the SingleOps Job workflow. Prior to the Proposal stage, a Lead is used to enter & track information from a new or existing Client requesting an estimate for service.

Create a Lead

  1. Navigate to + Create > Lead
  2. Enter the Client’s name
    *Note: If this is a new Client, click Add New Customer & complete their Client profile.
    Follow this link for more information on how to add a new Client.
  3. Select an Operation
  4. Enter a Visit location
    *Note: If the Visit location is the same as the Client’s billable location, select Use Billable Location. By default, once a Visit location is entered, the Job Name will auto-fill with the location address unless other Job settings have been configured or a Job Name has been entered manually.
  5. Enter the Client’s service request notes in the Internal Notes field. These notes will be viewable to the Lead’s assigned Sales Rep.
  6. Complete Additional Options, as needed
    *Note: It is best practice to select a Sales Rep for scheduling & reporting purposes
  7. If creating a Task with the Lead, schedule the Task for an On Site Estimate on this screen or leave blank & schedule from the Calendar page after saving.
    *Note: If a Sales Rep is selected, as stated above, the Task will be auto-assigned to the selected Sales RepScreen_Shot_2021-08-04_at_10.12.42_AM.png
  8. Select any relevant Tags
  9. Select Save & Close
    *Note: Once a Lead is saved, it can be found on the Leads page.


Additional Notes:

  • Leads can also come through the Client Portal. Follow the link for more information on using the Client Portal for service requests.


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