Client Portal

In this article:

Client Portal Overview

Client Portal Video

Share Client Portal with a Customer

Customer Login

Set-Up Client Portal as a Lead Form

Manage Client Portal Leads

Client Portal FAQ


Client Portal Overview

The Client Portal offers a platform for your clients to request new service, as well as view/accept proposals & view/make payments on open invoices.

Invoice Overview

When will the invoice be added to the Client Portal?

These invoices appear in the Client Portal based on Open Invoice settings. Learn more in Define an Open Invoice. 

  1. Only shows invoices that the invoice date is today or earlier OR the invoice has already been sent to the client.
  2. Does not show invoices that have an invoice total of $0. (not to be confused with a balance of $0; invoice total of $0 means 0 dollars is what the line items add up to).
  3. The job has to be accepted to show its invoice here.
How long will the invoice be visible in the Client Portal?
  • Paid invoices will remain in the portal forever, as a way for your clients to see their work history with your business.
  • Unpaid invoices will also remain in the Client Portal forever until they are paid via the portal or until they are manually set as “paid” in SingleOps.
What actions can my client take regarding invoices in the Client Portal?
  • View Paid and Unpaid or ALL invoices
    When viewing an Invoice Summary, your client can see: 
  • Displayed tag depicting whether the invoice is Paid or Unpaid
  • The client's billing address and the the service location
  • High level detail of the services provided
  • A description of services and the cost
  • Your client can pay invoice by clicking the Pay Now button.
    • Pay Invoice page
      • Invoice Summary displays Invoice#, Service Fee and Amount Due.
      • Payment Method allows for customers to add a bank account or credit/debit card, enroll in autopay, and pay for service. 
  • Your client can click View Invoice and view a detailed PDF of their invoice and find essential and detailed information about their job.


Proposal Overview

When will the proposal be added the the Client Portal? Proposals only appear in the Client Portal when a proposal is sent via text or email in SingleOps.
How long will the proposal be visible in the Client Portal?
  • Accepted proposals will live in the Client Portal forever, as a way for your clients to access their work history with your company.
  • Unaccepted proposals will appear in the Client Portal once the proposal is sent via text or email from SingleOps and will remain there until they expire. You can set the expiration date in the Settings in SingleOps. (Account Settings > Jobs > How many days before proposal expires?) When proposals expire, they are automatically rejected and will disappear from the Client Portal.
    1. Email: Will only show when the email has the proposal attached, OR if the public proposal link is sent
    2. Text: Will only show if the public proposal link is sent (Note: the public proposal link is sent by default on our standard templates)
What actions can my client take regarding proposals in the Client Portal?
  • View Accepted and Not Accepted or ALL proposals.
  • Your client can click View next to each proposal and view a detailed PDF of their proposal and find essential and detailed information about their estimate.
  • Accept open invoices


Request More Service

  • When your client clicks Request Service:

    • They will be prompted to fill out description of service

    • They can choose between existing or new address

    • They can enter a new address

  • Once Request Service is clicked, you will receive a lead in your SingleOps account.


Client Portal Video

*Note: Some of the content in this video may reflect a previous version of SingleOps. For a more accurate guide, please refer to the steps listed above.

*See the Client Portal mobile view


Share Client Portal with a Customer

In order for your clients to access their portal, they need to register using your company's unique portal link.

  1. Navigate to: Setup > Account Settings
  2. On the Company settings page, find Customer Portal.
  3. Copy link.
  4. Invite customer - 3 different options:
    • Copy & Paste the portal link to any outgoing, one-off email.
    • Copy & Paste this Liquid Alias Code: {{login_link}} in the Client Login Email Template in SingleOps.
    • Copy & Paste this portal link into a marketing email program (e.g. MailChimp).


Customer Login

  1. Once the client receives the email & clicks on the portal link, they will be directed to a login page.
  2. The login page requires submission of an email address affiliated with a client in your SingleOps account.
    For example: If your client "Cece Cunningham" is entered in SingleOps with the email address:, this client must enter that email address in the portal registration in order for SingleOps to recognize her as a current client.Screen_Shot_2021-06-25_at_12.20.18_PM.png
  3. When your client clicks Send Login Link, the client will receive an email with a link to their specific portal page.
  4. Once the link is clicked within the email, the client will be directed to their portal.
    *Note: If you are testing this in your account & click the emailed link, it will not work if you are currently logged into SingleOps on any tab in your browser. Please log out of SingleOps & close all tabs to test the emailed link.

In the portal, clients can view & accept proposals, view & make payments on open invoices, or request new service.


Set-Up Client Portal as a Lead Form

Follow this link to add learn how to add your Request Service form to your Facebook business page.

To add a Request Service link to your business website:

  1. Navigate to: Setup > Account Settings
  2. On the Company settings page, find Customer Portal.
  3. Copy link.
  4. Your website administrator can add this link to be used on your company’s website. The provided link will take your customer to the Client Portal Login page. 
  5. If you would like the Client Portal link on your website to take your clients directly to the service request form, you can tag ?leadform=true to the end of your portal’s URL
  6. When your client Requests Service, a new lead will be created in SingleOps. 


Manage Client Portal Leads 

  1. Navigate to: mceclip1.png Setup > Account Settings > Search Account Settings
  2. Search: "Customer Portal"
  3. In the box next to 'Who should we email when a new lead comes from the Customer Portal?': Provide the email address(es) of the person/people you would like to receive lead requests. *Note: Make sure to separate email addresses with commas.
  4. Click Update Settings when finished.mceclip0.pngThe email address(es) listed in this box will receive this email:mceclip4.png
  5. After receiving the email, click View in SingleOps. This will bring you to the Lead in SingleOps.
  6. Click Edit in the top right corner of the page.
  7. Fill out the customer's information by clicking Edit Customer Details or Add New Customer.
  8. Continue filling out the rest of the Job details.
  9. When finished, Update & Close the Job

All leads from the portal will display a green Portal Lead tag and will have a checkmark under the Portal Lead column



Client Portal FAQ

Is the Client Portal a feature available to all customers? 

  • Yes. All customers accounts (regardless of product tier) will have the Client Portal activated. The Client Portal is an essential component of how SingleOps helps green industry businesses provide a professional experience for viewing and paying invoices, viewing and accepting proposals, and requesting service. Further, we encourage our customers to use the Client Portal as a place for their clients to access their work history (via paid invoices and accepted proposals), as it provides a higher level of service for their clients.
  • SingleOps customers not using SingleOps payments can still use the PDF invoice and proposal links to send their documents to their clients and accept payment through another payment provider.

How long do unaccepted proposals and accepted proposals appear in the Client Portal?

  • Accepted proposals will live in the Client Portal forever, as a way for your clients to access their work history with your company.

  • Unaccepted proposals will appear in the Client Portal once the proposal is sent via text or email from SingleOps and will remain there until they expire. You can set the expiration date in the Settings in SingleOps. (Account Settings -> Jobs -> (3rd option down) "How many days before proposal expires?") When proposals expire, they are automatically rejected and will disappear from the client portal.

How long do unpaid invoices and paid invoices appear in the Client Portal?

  • Paid invoices will remain in the portal forever, again, as a way for your clients to see their work history with your business.
  • Unpaid invoices will also remain in the client portal forever until they are paid via the portal or until they are manually set as “paid” in SingleOps.

Is the client’s proposal experience being updated as part of this launch?
No, the experience of viewing and accepting a proposal remains unchanged and is slated for the next phase of Client Portal updates later this year.

Can I customize the Client Portal request service form?
Not at this time.

Can I add the Request Service form to my website or my Facebook business page?
Yes to both. Here are instructions on how to add Request Service to your FaceBook business page and to your website.

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