Once a lead, proposal, or job has been created, you will be able to find them on the Job Management Page in SingleOps. The Job Management Page allows for easy navigation when wanting to check the status of all Leads, Proposals, and Jobs or Visits.
You can view your jobs in a variety of ways using Job Management by using the drop down Filters, adjusting your Columns, or changing the Current Stage options at the top of the page, to drill down further into the information you are wanting to view. You also have the ability to toggle the view of this page between Jobs and Visits for a more in depth analysis of the jobs information in your SingleOps account.
In the article:
Maintenance and Considerations
Controls & Functions
At the top of almost all pages in SingleOps, there are a number of action items that you can use to help narrow down searches and assist in pulling together information on jobs or visits quickly. The most commonly used action items are Filters and Columns. One important thing to know is that you also have the ability to Select, Reorder, and Save the Columns for your own personal view, or the view of everyone that uses your SingleOps account depending on your role.
Tips and Best Practices
Each individual login for your SingleOps account can adjust their personal view and customize the pages they frequently visit by taking advantage of the Columns section of the Job Management Page.
An Admin of the system can save the view for all users by modifying the Job Management Page and selecting Save for All Users. This will create a view that all users logging in from here forward will be seeing if the Admin of the system chooses to control the users view.
If a user with permission to Save for All Users customizes their individual view and saves it for all, the next time any user logs in, their view will have changed.
Using The Job Management Page
1. Navigate to:
Jobs > Active Jobs
2. From this page, you have multiple ways to create the data points you want to see for your Jobs and Visits
3. You can toggle the view for Jobs or Visits
4. Choose the Columns you want to see for your view. After the Columns are set-up for your view, these columns will always be displayed when viewing the Job Management Page.
*Note: You can also adjust the order of these columns by dragging and dropping them in the order you want them to appear
5. The navigation bar at the top will allow you to group your Jobs or Visits by their Current Stage
6. On almost all pages in SingleOps, you have the drop down option for Filters. When viewing the Job Management Page, you can use these Filters and apply them to your page as well.
The filters will allow you to group up Jobs in a variety of ways such as by Operation, Client, Assignees, or by Sales Rep. You also can filter by the Line Item or Item group and Tags as well as select specific date ranges. These are only a few examples as there are numerous options for filtering your view.
Maintenance and Considerations
An additional feature to note is the ability to Export CSV files from the Job Management Page. If you are wanting to review the data from your view in an offline setting, you have the ability to take the view and Export CSV to save a hard copy on your computer to view offline.
You are unable the save the Job Management page view into a Saved report for later use. If you are wanting to create a Saved Report from your Jobs, please use Job Report located under the Reports module of SingleOps.
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