Reclaim Snow Visits & End Snow Jobs

In this Article:

Reclaim Snow Visits

Batch End Snow Jobs


Reclaim Snow Visits

To remove all Line Items on a created Visit and return them to the On Demand Job for future Visit Creation, click the Reclaim button at the top of a Visit. This will return all of the Line Items to the Job; specific Line Items cannot be selected for reclamation here while leaving others.


Batch End Snow Jobs

Designed with Snow Removal Jobs in mind, you can Batch End On-Demand Jobs. This feature allows the ability to filter your Jobs down to only Unlimited Jobs and end them in batch.

  1. Navigate to:  Active Jobs
  2. Click Filter in the top right to filter the Jobs (e.g Recurring Jobs, Snow Removal, Unlimited, etc.)
  3. Select the All button (top left) or select the boxes next to individual Jobs.
  4. Click the Bulk Actions button at the top of the page.
  5. From the dropdown, select End Jobs
  6. In the End Job Confirmation popup, you have the option to Stop Incomplete Visits? or make the Job still Eligible for Renewal? If Stop Incomplete Visits? is selected, choose a Stop Date. 
  7. When finished, select End Job.
    *Note: The Jobs you have selected are now moved off of the Actives Jobs page. You can find these Jobs on the Completed Jobs page.


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