Overdue Invoices

To track Invoice due dates in SingleOps and identify overdue invoices, the Invoices Report can be used. With a few filtering adjustments and Columns added, a Saved Report can be created to track Invoices which are Overdue.

In this article:

Overdue Invoices

Tips for Overdue Invoice Tracking


Over Due Invoices

  1. Navigate to: mceclip0.png Reports > Sales and Payments > Invoices Report
  2. Select the following Filters: 
    • Visit Stages: Completed and Approved (so that only work which is Completed is billed
    • Open (so that only unpaid Invoices are included)
    • Any other desired filter such as Operation
  3. Ensure the Invoice Date column is selected. Other columns may be selected as needed, such as Invoice Total, Balance, etc.mceclip0.png
  4. Save the Report as Overdue Invoices Report so that it can be referred back to when necessary. This will be saved in Reports within a section called Saved Reports
    A Saved Report Based on the Invoices Report:mceclip2.png


Tips for Overdue Invoice Tracking

  • The Date Range is not retained when created a Saved Report
  • Click on the Invoice Date header to sort the Invoices by oldest to newest. Clicking again will sort in the opposite order.
  • There is not a true "A/R with Aging" Report in SingleOps at this time. If a 30,60,90+ day Overdue Invoice report is needed, using a bookkeeping software such as Quickbooks is recommended.



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