On Hold for Clients or Jobs

The On Hold feature allows you to put a temporary stop to Jobs in SingleOps. This can be applied to either all work for one Client, or on an individual Job basis. On Hold is available for Admin users only.

In this article:

When to Use On Hold

On Hold for Individual Job-Level

On Hold for Client-Level

What Does On Hold Status Do?

Remove On Hold to Resume the Job or Client


When To Use On Hold

  • Jobs in all stages can be placed On Hold, but its intended use is for Active Jobs
  • If a Client has not paid for work, and you are not going to continue their Jobs until payment resumes, On Hold is appropriate
  • If unforeseen circumstances occur and the Client asks for their Jobs to be paused temporarily, On Hold is appropriate


On Hold for Individual Job-level

  1. Navigate to the Job you would like to place on hold
  2. In the upper right, select the yellow Put On Hold button
  3. Confirm OK to Hold for this Job


On Hold for Client-level

  1. Navigate to the Client
  2. In the upper right, select the yellow Put On Hold button
  3. Confirm OK to Hold for all Jobs for this Client


What Does On Hold Job Status Do?

All Visits for the Job will be removed from the Calendar, regardless of Visit Stage (i.e. Active, Completed, and Approved Visits will no longer be displayed on the Calendar). This includes both Unscheduled Visits, Unscheduled (Month) TBD Visits, and Visits scheduled for a particular day and/or Time

*Crew Users cannot change this setting - Visits will be hidden if the Job is On Hold

*Other Users can select a filter to enable On Hold Jobs to display on the Calendar


Visits are marked with the On Hold tag


If Visits for On Hold Jobs are scheduled on the Visit page, a warning regarding the On Hold Status will appear. If "Confirm" is selected here, the Visit will retain the scheduled date, but it will still not appear on the Calendar for that date until the Job's On Hold status is removed.


Job Management Pages have filters for On Hold Jobs as well

If a Client is On Hold, new Jobs or Proposals Created for that Client will display a warning


*Invoices are not affected by On Hold Job Status


Remove On Hold to Resume the Job or Client

  1. Navigate to the Job or Client
  2. In the upper right, select the yellow Take Off Hold button
  3. The Job's Visits will now appear on the Calendar again (refresh, if necessary)


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