Visit Profit Margin Report

The SingleOps Visit Profit Margin Report provides a Visit-level breakdown of profit metrics. The report compiles all Visits within the filtered parameters & breaks them down by Visit & Client information, along with financial metrics such as Sales, Cost of Goods Sold (COGS), Expenses, Profit (in dollars), Profit (as a percentage), Payments & Balances. *Note: Fixed Invoice Jobs and Progress Billing Visits do not show up on the Visit Profit Margin Report.

In this article:

Navigate the Visit Profit Margin Report

Visit Profit Margin Report Columns

Search Visit Profit Margin Report


Visit Profit margin Report Filters


Navigate the Visit Profit Margin Report

mceclip0.png Reports > Expenses & Job Costing > Visit Profit Margin Report



Date Range Choose between Today, Yesterday, Tomorrow, Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, This Month, Last Month, Year To Date, or Custom Range.
Date Filter Used to determine if the Date Range is based on Visit Start Date or Visit Created Date
Visit Stages Select one or multiple Stage(s) (e.g. Scheduled, Completed, Approved, etc.) If none are selected, all will be included in the report.
Assignees Select one or multiple Assignee(s) associated to a Visit. If none are selected, all will be included in the Report.
Sales Reps Select one or more Sales Rep(s) associated to a Visit. If none are selected, all will be included in the Report.



Search this report based on Visit's Reference Number, the name of the Visit, Operation, Client, or Job Category.


Click Columns and select one or multiple column types. To add and remove columns, the columns in blue will display in the report.

Rearrange Columns by clicking and holding the column header, move to the left or right and drop. Sort rows by clicking the up & down sort arrows icon, click once to sort from low to high, and again to sort from high to low.

Ref # Visit’s reference number that links to the job's information page.
Visit Name The Visit’s name that links to the job's information page.
Visit Stage The current Visit stage (e.g. Scheduled, Completed, Approved, etc.)
Operation The Job-level Operation or service name that links to Operation information page (e.g. maintenance, design/build, tree service, etc.)
Client The Clients name that links to the Client's information page.
Created The date the Visit was created (yyyy-mm-dd)
Work Start The date that the Visit is scheduled to start.
*Note: if a cell is blank that means a start date has not yet been scheduled.
Sales The revenue for each visit will display in dollar amount.

By default, this will sum the total cost for all items in the material category added to the visit. 


By default, this will sum the total cost for all items in the expense, material, service or labor* category added to the visit. 
*Actual labor may pull from labor resource rates if 'Use timesheet / labor line entries for labor reports?' is enabled. 

Profit $

(Sales - [COGS + Expenses]) = Profit

Profit %

 ([Profit / Sales] x 100) = Profit %

Payments The sum of the payments the customer has made for each visit.
*Note: The Visit's invoice is part of a CMB or RUP, a link to that invoice will be shown in the Payments & Balance columns.
Balances Sales - Payments = Balances
Sales Rep The assigned Sales Rep on the Job-level


Totals / Averages

At the bottom of the page, totaled amounts for six columns - Sales, COGS, Expenses, Profit, Profit %, Payments - can be found.
*Note: These Totals reflect the sum of the displayed on this page only (<10), not the entirety of search results. Additional results can be accessed by clicking through the additional pages at the bottom right of the screen.


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