The Rejected functionality can be found when creating leads and proposals. It is typically used when an estimate or proposal has been declined either by a customer or internally for a specific reason. To reject a recurring Job, see the Reject Recurring Jobs article.
In this article:
Why Reject?
Why reject a Lead?
Listed below are some examples of a why you would rejected a lead:
- A client needs to cancel or reschedule an appointment.
- The client is unsatisfied for one reason or another.
- A customer changed their mind about services.
- A customer went with a competitor instead.
Why reject a Proposal?
Listed below are some examples of why you would rejected a proposal:
- You need to modify the proposal to add or remove services or goods.
- The customer was unsatisfied with the quote or price.
- Yours or the client's schedule doesn't align.
- The client was unresponsive and never got back to you.
- The client went with a competitor.
Reject vs Delete
Why reject and not just delete?
- The Reject function will keep a record in SingleOps of the homeowner and address.
- You'll be able to see a history of previous quotes and make notes as to why it was rejected.
- When you delete a lead or proposal, you'll lose all record related to the customer's inquiry, which may be problematic when you need to refer back to a client's personal, financial, or job history.
Reject a Lead or Proposal
- Navigate to the
Leads or
Proposals page
- Select the Job you would like to reject by clicking on the Job number to drop down Job info.
- Click Reject Lead or Reject Proposal
- The Job is going to switch from Proposals/Leads to Rejected. Click on the Rejected tab at the top of your screen and to find that the Job has successfully been rejected.
- To reactivate the Job, click on the reference number and click the Reopen Lead button.
To reject a recurring Job Visit, see the Reject a Recurring Job Visit article.
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