User Color Priority

What is Color Priority?

Why Use Color Priority?

Color Priority Example

SingleOps Color Priority Best Practice

Navigate to User Color Priority: Setup > Users > Edit or New > Color Priority

What is Color Priority?

Color priority is a way to prioritize specific Users over other Users by using colors. The lower number a User has (0 or 1), that User's color will be portrayed ahead of the User with a greater number (2, 3, etc.) on the Calendar, Route Planner, etc. Note that when more than one Users have the same number, the User that falls first alphabetically will display over other(s).

Why use Color Priority?

Color Priority is useful when you have multiple Users assigned to one specific Job, the assignee with the lowest color priority will have their color shown instead of the other Users' colors on the Calendar, Route Planner, etc.

Color Priority Example

If the owner of the company with a color priority of three (3) is accompanying a salesperson with a color priority of two (2) and two crewmen with color priorities of one (1), the crews colors will appear on the Calendars and Route Planners instead of the salesperson or owner, because the crew members had a lowest color priority number versus the salesperson and the owner.

SingleOps Color Priority Best Practice

SingleOps recommends that when assigning Users a Priority Color, you use:
Admins = 3
Operators = 2
Crew Users = 1
This is because if a Crew User and others are assigned to a Job, their color priority will show up first.


For more information on User setting, visit the article Add or Edit a User.



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