Sales Tax Configuration

In this article:

Tax Components v Tax Location 

Sales Tax Configuration with QuickBooks

Sales Tax Configuration without QuickBooks

Sales Tax Configuration without QuickBooks Video


Tax Components v Tax Location 

System  Tax Component  Tax Location
SingleOps A Tax Component is an individual tax rate. They are selected to be included within a Tax Location. 
Georgia State Tax 4%
Atlanta City Tax 1.5%
Fulton County Tax 3% 

A Tax Location is what is used on the job to populate taxes. A tax location is made up of 1+ Tax Component/Rate.
Atlanta Sales Tax 8.5% (Made up of the Georgia State Tax 4%, Atlanta City Tax 1.5% and Fulton County Tax 3%)

Quickbooks Online  Tax Rate Combined Rate
Quickbooks Desktop Tax Item Tax Group


Sales Tax Configuration with QuickBooks 

  1. Sales tax configuration in SingleOps requires two divisions: Tax Components & Tax Locations. This means, in Quickbooks Sales Tax must be set up as a combined tax or tax group.
    Set up sales tax in QuickBooks Desktop - Must have Tax Groups
    Set up your sales tax in QuickBooks Online - Must have Combined Rates
  2. Once a SingleOps account has been synced with Quickbooks, the only way to add Tax Components & Tax Locations is to first create them in Quickbooks & sync them to SingleOps.


Sales Tax Configuration without QuickBooks

  1. Navigate to mceclip3.png Setup > More > Sales Tax Configuration
  2. Under New Tax Components, click the New Tax Rate button to add a new rate.
  3. Name your rate. *Best practice: Name your rate after the city or county associated with that rate
  4. Input the Rate amount in decimal format (e.g. 7.5% sales tax= 0.075)
  5. Once finished, click Create Tax Rate
    Your new Tax Rate will show under the Tax Component section
  6. When finished adding all Tax Components, click New Tax Location Button
    (A Tax Location is what is used on the job to populate taxes. These next set of steps are important.)
  7. Name this location (city or county)
  8. Tax Rates: Click the drop down menu and select the tax components that you would like associated with this location. A Tax Location can have one or multiple Tax Components
  9. Click Create Tax Location when finished.
    Click the Tax Location name to view and edit Tax Components associated to this location

*Note: If you have a spreadsheet already created with a list of the tax rates and locations that your company uses, you can send it to your Implementation Specialist and they can import it for you.


Sales Tax Configuration Without QuickBooks Video

*Note: Some of the content in this video may reflect a previous version of SingleOps. For a more accurate guide, please refer to the steps listed above.




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