Jobs Report

The Jobs Report in SingleOps lists all Jobs in your SingleOps account.

In this article:

Navigate the Jobs Report 

Jobs Report Filters

Summary Data for Business Insights (Premier Tier Only) 

Search Jobs Report

Jobs Report Columns

Jobs Report Webinar


Navigate the Jobs Report 

Reports > Sales and Payments > Jobs Report



Stages Select one or multiple Job Stages (e.g. Active, Approved, Completed). If none are selected, all will be included in the Report.
Operation Operation (e.g. maintenance, design/build, tree service, etc.) If none are selected, all will be included in the Report.
Client Type in one or more existing Client name(s). If none are selected, all will be included in the Report.
Assignee Select one or multiple Assignee(s) associated to a Job. If none are selected, all will be included in the Report.
Sales rep Select one or multiple Sales Rep(s) associated to a Job. If none are selected, all will be included in the Report.
Item Select one or multiple Item(s) associated to a Job. If none are selected, all will be included in the Report.
Item Group Select one or multiple Item Group(s) associated to a Job. If none are selected, all will be included in the Report.
Date Range Choose between Today, Yesterday, Tomorrow, Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, This Month, Last Month, Year To Date, or Custom Range. The date range selects only Jobs that fall between those dates to calculate the totals. Determine what Items display with Date Filter On (below)
Date Filter On This will determine date range above. Select Job date: Start, End, Converted to Active, Proposal Date, Completed On, Approved On, Created On, Updated On
Custom Input

Select the Custom Input to filter (Only Client or Job resource types are filterable). Search entry to filter by.

Example: Select Custom Input 'Lead Source', search Website Lead to find all jobs with the Website Lead Lead Source Custom Input. 

If none are selected, all will be included in the Report.


Select one or multiple tag(s) to include Tags associated to a Job.
If selecting multiple tags, toggle to:
All Tags - The report will display Jobs with ONLY ALL of the tags included in Tags Selection.
Any Tags - The report will display Jobs with ANY of the tags included in Tags selection.

Tag Options:
Include - Will only display Jobs that do include selected tags.
Exclude - Will only display Jobs that do NOT include selected tags.


Summary Data for Business Insights (Premier Tier Only)

Summary Data for Business Insights enables you to take all of the information in a report and summarize it to develop powerful insights into your business.


Search this report based on Client's name, Payment Method, Job name, Payment Record notes, Operation, User's name or the Reference Number for the Job, Visit, Invoice or Payment.
*Note: You cannot search by estimated, actual, remaining, or efficiency metrics.


Click Columns and select one or multiple column types. To add and remove columns, the columns in blue will display in the report.

Rearrange Columns by clicking and holding the column header, move to the left or right and drop. Sort rows by clicking the up & down sort arrows icon, click once to sort from low to high, and again to sort from high to low.

Checkbox A clickable checkbox next to each Job for bulk selection.
Quick Info This displays the Job's Address, Client's Name, Operation type, Client's email address.
Is Recurring? = a red X will display if the Job is not recurring.
= a green checkmark will display if the Job is recurring.
Fixed Invoice? = a red X will display if the Job's invoice type is not fixed.
= a green checkmark will display if the Job's invoice type  is fixed.
On Hold = a red X will appear if the job is not currently On Hold.
= a green checkmark will display if the Job is currently On Hold.
Job Name The name of the Job
Client / Contacts The Client's name, phone number and email address. Phone and email will only display if entered in client details. 
Operation Operation associated with the job (e.g. maintenance, design/build, tree service, etc.)
Job Location Street name and street number, city, state, and country of the Job's location. This may differ from the Client's billing location.
Job Address Street name and street number
Job City / Job State / Job Zip Job city, state and zip will display on separate columns.
Start / Stop Job start date and stop date will display on separate columns (month, day, year)
Tags This will display a list of each Tag associated to a Job
Terms Payment term type (e.g. Net 30, Due Upon Completion, etc.)
Created On The date & time the Job was created (month, day, year hr:min AM/PM)
Updated On The date & time the job was last updated (month, day, year hr:min AM/PM)
Submitted By Name of the User that created the job.
Assignees Assignee(s) associated to that Job, this links to the User's Edit User page.
Sales Rep Sales representative(s) associated to that Job, this links to the User's Edit User page.
First Proposal Sent The date & time that the first Proposal email template email was sent for this Job (month, day, year hr:min AM/PM)
Last Invoice Sent The date that the last Invoice email template email was sent for this Job (month, day, year)
Last Email The recipient's email address will display, following the last sent email template type, and date & time (month, day, year hr:min AM/PM) of the last email sent out of SingleOps for this Job.
Proposal Date The date & time the proposal was created on (month, day, year hr:min AM/PM)
Converted to Active The date & time the Job was converted to an Active Job (month, day, year hr:min AM/PM)
Created Stage Unscheduled, Scheduled, Proposed, etc. will display to indicate the current stage of the Job
Last Completed At The date & time the Job was marked as completed last (month, day, year hr:min AM/PM)
First Completed At The date & time the Job was marked as completed first (month, day, year hr:min AM/PM)
Prepay Enabled = The Job has prepay enabled.
= The Job does not have prepay enabled.
Prepaid? = The Job has a pre-payment completed.
= Prepay is not completed.
Requires Deposit? = The Job requires a deposit.
= The Job does not require a deposit.
*This column will only display if Deposits are enabled in your account. If Deposits are not enabled for your account, please reach out to SingleOps Support.
Unpaid Deposit Amount Unpaid deposit amount on Job in dollar amount.
*This column will only display if Deposits are enabled in your account. If Deposits are not enabled for your account, please reach out to SingleOps Support.
Edit The Edit button is linked to the Job's edit page
Message The Message button will drop down to Send Email or Send Text Message. Select desired messaging type.
Payments The Payments button will allow you to post a payment to the job. 
Total Price The total price of the Job in dollar amount.
Total Payments The total dollar amount of all payments applied to the job. 
Balance The total dollar amount still owed on the job.
Client Info (Multiple Columns) First name, middle name, last name, company name, email address, billing address (city, state, zip), client phone, mobile phone number will all display in separate columns.
Total Estimated Hours The sum of the quantity of Labor items on a job.
*Note: If a job does not include any Items of type 'labor', the job will not be included in the report since it will not have an estimated quantity.
Remaining Estimated Hours The sum of the quantity of Labor items on a job less the work completed.
(Total Estimated Hours) - (Completed Actual Hours) = Remaining Estimated Hours
Total Logged Hours The sum of the amount of time users have spent on the job based on their clock in/clock out times.
Completed Estimated Hours The sum of completed hours.
(e.g. if there are 10 visits on a job with 1 hour each and 3 visits have been completed the Completed Estimated Hours will be 3 hours.)
Completed Actual Hours

The sum of actual hours on a completed job. This can be tracked in 2 ways depending on the 'Use timesheet / labor line entries for labor reports?' account setting.

Timesheets - The sum of the amount of time users have spent on the job based on their clock in/clock out times.

Labor line items - The sum of the quantity of actual Labor items on a job.

Current Stage The current Job stage (e.g. Active, Completed, Approved, etc.)
Created Stage The stage which a Job was created. (Lead, Proposal or Active)
Customer Type The customer type (Residential, commercial, etc.)
Financing Offered = a red X will display if financing was not offered to the customer.
= a green checkmark will display if financing was offered to the customer.
Financing Accepted = a red X will display if financing was not accepted
= a green checkmark will display if financing was accepted
CUSTOM INPUTS All Client, Job & Visit Custom Inputs will appear here.


Jobs Report Webinar

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1 comment
  • Kaitlin Lane (Luke Zeller) - You mentioned the availability of Custom Inputs in the report Filtering. I am running into an issue with reaching the maximum limit. Is that set to 20 across the board or are there best practices on how to go about that? I have tried reorganizing by alphabetical order but it did not adjust any saved / new reports.




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