To Reject a Visit on a Recurring Job, the process differs based on the type of Proposal for the Job - Standard vs. Options Proposal. If the Visit is on a Job with an Options Proposal, this is further broken down by the Estimation Type: Per Visit vs. Contract. Please follow the steps below based on the proper type of Proposal.
In this article:
Standard Proposal Recurring Jobs
Options Proposal Recurring Jobs
Options Proposal Recurring Jobs- Contract Total
Options Proposal Recurring Jobs- Per Visit
Standard Proposal Recurring Jobs (all Line Items are "Included")
Standard Recurring Jobs contain no Optional or Recommended Line Items. All Line Items are set to "Included" in the Proposal Level column . To reject a Visit in one of these Jobs:
- Open the Visit Show page of the Visit you want to Reject from one of the following places:
- Global Search: search the Visit number, navigate down to the Visits section and select the Visit to be Rejected from the list
- Job Page: scroll to the middle of the Job Show Page to the Visits section. To the left of each Visit listed in the Job, there will be a magnifying glass. Click on the magnifying glass next to the Visit you'd like to Reject
- Visits Page: If you're on the Job page, and the toggle in the upper right is set on Visits instead of Jobs, you can find the Visit to Reject from the list, or search for it on the Right
- Once you're on the Visit Page, verify that the page is for the Visit and not the entire Job by checking the upper left corner of the window for the word "Visit" or the Visit Number (see first image below)
- In the upper left, select "Un-accept Proposal" to revert it to the Proposal stage
- Once the Visit is in the Proposal Stage, select "Reject Proposal" to Reject the Visit (see second image below)
- Navigate to the Job page to verify Visit Rejection. If it doesn't appear right away, refresh the page (see third image below)
Un-accept Proposal
Reject the Proposal to Reject the Visit
Job Page with Rejected Visit
Options Proposal Recurring Jobs (1+ Line Items are "Optional" or "Recommended")
Options Proposal Recurring Jobs - Estimation Type: Contract Total
If a Job is currently set up with any Line Item utilizing the Options Proposal feature, meaning one or more line items is set to "Optional" or "Recommended", and the Job used Contract Total Estimation, please follow the steps below to Reject a Visit on that Job (see images below for an example scenario)
- Edit the Recurring Job
- Find the Line Item which is assigned to the Visit being rejected, and un-accept the Line Item by deselecting the box for "Accepted"
- Note: if this Line Item is also assigned to other Visits which should not be Rejected:
- To retain the Rejected Visit's Line Item for Batch Renewal:
- Create a separate duplicate Line Item for the Line Item(s) with the rejected Visit
- Assign the duplicate Line Item to the Visit to be Rejected in Occurrences
- On the duplicate Line Item, deselect the Accepted box
- On the Original Line Item, deselect the Rejected Visit from Occurrences
- If the Rejected Visit's Line Item does not need to be retained for Batch Renewal:
- On the Assigned Line Item(s), deselect the Rejected Visit from Occurrences
- To retain the Rejected Visit's Line Item for Batch Renewal:
- Note: if this Line Item is also assigned to other Visits which should not be Rejected:
- Update and Close to save
Example: Rejecting a Visit on an Options Proposal Job, Data Retained for Batch Renewal
Step 1 - Job Prior to Visit Rejection; there are six Visits on the Job. The Line Item Orchard Pruning is assigned to three Occurrences - Visits 2, 5, and 6
Step 2 - The Client calls and asks to Cancel Visit #5. This Visit only contains the Line Item "Orchard Pruning". To fix this so that the Visit is Rejected, but the Line Item/Visit is retained for batch Renewal next year, the Line Item must be separated into two so that one part can be Unaccepted for Visit 5, and the other part can remain Accepted for Visits 2 and 6.
Step 3 - Update and Close the Job to save. As shown below, Visit 5 is now displaying as Rejected.
Options Proposal Recurring Jobs - Estimation Type: Per Visit
If a Job is currently set up with any Line Item utilizing the Options Proposal feature, meaning one or more line items is set to "Optional" or "Recommended", and the Job used Per Visit Estimation, the Visit will need to be Deleted instead of Rejected. To do this:
- Open the Visit Show page of the Visit you want to Reject from one of the following places:
- Global Search: search the Visit number, navigate down to the Visits section and select the Visit to be Rejected from the list
- Job Page: scroll to the middle of the Job Show Page to the Visits section. To the left of each Visit listed in the Job, there will be a magnifying glass. Click on the magnifying glass next to the Visit you'd like to Reject
- Visits Page: If you're on the Job page, and the toggle in the upper right is set on Visits instead of Jobs, you can find the Visit to Reject from the list, or search for it on the Right
- Once you're on the Visit Page, verify that the page is for the Visit and not the entire Job by checking the upper left corner of the window for the word "Visit" or the Visit Number
- On the right, select the red "Delete" button, then click "This visit only" (see image below)
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