In this article:
When are CMB Invoice Documents Generated?
When are Visits Added to CMBs?
Combined Billing Schedules (CMB) Video
What is a CMB?
Combined/Customer Billing Schedules (CMB), is a tool used to combine multiple invoices into one for a customer. This can be multiple invoices from one recurring job, or a combination of invoices from different jobs. The main benefit of this is having a single billing document to send to a Client which includes multiple Invoices.
- To invoice on a monthly schedule with a dynamic charge (e.g. this month we mow 4 times, next month 5 times and we want the invoice to reflect that) a per visit invoice job with a CMB should be used.
- To include multiple services set up a separate Jobs on one billing document (e.g. a One-off Job tree removal, Recurring Job pruning, and Recurring Job snow removal all occurred within one month), a CMB should be used.
- A best practice that SingleOps recommends for CMBs is that people that want all of a month's visits on one invoice is to date them for the end of the month, the 31st.
Create a CMB
On Client Page
- Navigate to:
Clients > All Clients
- Select desired client.
- Select New Combined Billing Schedule from Client page.
- You will go through setting rules for the how and when this invoice generates. Pay special attention to the Invoice Frequency choices. The choice made here, in congress with the job start and end dates, will affect what jobs/visits end up on the individually generated CMBs.
On Job Creation
- Create a job in the proposal, active or completed stage.
- Enter the Customer Name
- Once the customer name is entered the Customer Billing Schedule field will become visible at the top of the screen. You can create a new Combined Billing Schedule or add this new job to an already existing CMB.
- You will go through setting rules for the how and when this invoice generates. Pay special attention to the Invoice Frequency choices. The choice made here, in congress with the job start and end dates, will affect what jobs/visits end up on the individually generated CMBs.
When are CMB Invoice Documents Generated?
The CMB document is created based on the selected invoice frequency minus lead days chosen in Account Settings. For example, if the CMB is set for every 1 month on the 25th and lead days are set to 5, the CMB document will be created on the 20th of each month.
To update lead days:
- Navigate to:
Setup > Account Settings
- Click on QuickBooks from the blue menu
- Type a number into the box next to Invoice Lead Days?
*Note: If you need a CMB to be generated early, contact SingleOps Support
When are Visits Added to CMBs?
The date chosen for the CMB schedule is essentially the last date visits will be included. Below are examples using April and May.
Day of Month | One Off or Per Visit Added on completion |
Fixed Added on CMB date |
Monthly 31st |
Monthly 1st |
Monthly 15th |
What do CMBs Look Like?
Combined Billing Schedules can be found using the search bar, Client Detail Page, Open Invoice page, or Paid Invoice page. Search "CMB" to find CMBs which have already been generated.
There is no page that shows all scheduled CMBs, but you can use Filters and the search bar in the Invoice Page to show all CMBs which have been created during a stipulated range of time.
CMB Page in SingleOps
Basic CMB Document Example:
Can CMB invoice dates be changed? Can I Edit my CMB?
Edits can only be made by SingleOps if no payments have been applied. To edit a CMB, please contact support.
Can a CMB have jobs from different operations?
Yes, while CMB Operations are required, jobs with different operations can apply the same CMB. For example, If a CMB is created with Operation: Tree Service, both of these Jobs can be included in this CMB:
Job #3572 with Tree Service Operation
Job #3548 with Maintenance Operation
Is a CMB the same thing as a client statement?
No, CMBs differ from standard client statements because they include invoices for multiple Jobs over one range of time, while client statements usually include all jobs' invoices for one Client over multiple billing periods. Statements cannot be created in SingleOps.
I put a job on the wrong CMB, can I change it?
Yes, assigning a Different CMB to a Job is a two step process:
- Edit the Job and remove the CMB by setting it to Customer Billing Schedule (blank). Update to Save.
Edit the Job again and assign the Job to the proper CMB. Update to Save.
- Edit the Job and remove the CMB by setting it to Customer Billing Schedule (blank). Update to Save.
Can a CMB have jobs with different sales reps?
Sales Reps are assigned at the CMB level. A Job with an assigned Sales Reps which differs from a CMB's Sales Rep will be overridden if the CMB is applied to that Job.
- Example: Job #3847 has assigned Sales Rep: Keith and CMB #35 has assigned Sales Rep: Craig. If Job #3847 is edited, and the billing section is updated to apply CMB#35 to this Job, the Sales Rep field on Job #3847 will automatically change to Craig because he is the assigned Sales Rep on CMB #35
Combined Billing Schedules (CMB) Video
*Note: Some of the content in this video may reflect a previous version of SingleOps. For a more accurate guide, please refer to the steps listed above.
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