Add & Use Tags


What are Tags?

Tags are a quick & easy way to mark Clients, Jobs, Visits, & Purchase Orders with color-coded identifiers. Some common examples include:
Client Preferences Schedule AM
Schedule PM
Call Ahead
Equipment Needs Crane
Stump Grinder
Bucket Truck
Crew Callouts Dog
Gate Code
Permit Needed
Sales Information Hot Lead
No Email
Admin Callouts Follow Up
Needs Attention
Scheduling Areas Zone 1
Zone 2

Beyond being able to readily identify Tags on Jobs, Tasks & Client profiles, they're also filterable throughout SingleOps. Once you've started utilizing Tags, you can then use them as a keywords by which you can search & filter on different pages such as any of the Job Management pages, Calendar, Route Planner, & various reports. 


How to Create or Edit Tags

  1. Navigate to: mceclip0.png Setup > Tags
  2. Select New
    *Note: Select the name of a Tag to make edits or Delete to remove
  3. Enter a Name
  4. Enter the name of a color use the link provided to find & copy a HTML color code
  5. Select a Tag Type
    *Note: Global Tags are used across the entire application. However, you may wish to have certain Tags which appear only in the context of a Visit or Purchase Order
  6. Select Create TagScreen_Recording_2021-07-28_at_01.08.58_PM.gif


Use Tags 

Where to Find Tags

Once you've created a series of Tags, you'll find them along the bottom edge of your Job edit page, as well as the Advanced tab of the Client edit page, & in a dropdown on the New Purchase Order page.

Enable/Disable Tags

Selecting a Tag will enable it. The Tags pictured below with colored borders are enabled. To disable any Tag, click the Tag again. mceclip3.png


Filter Tags

To filter by your applied tags, select the Filter button located at the top right of any screen (except for the route planner, where it is located at the top left above your unscheduled tasks/visits).
Here, you have the option to Include Tags, toggle between Any Tags / All Tags, or Exclude Tags.

Include Tags

To Include Tags in your search, click the drop down labeled Include Tags and select Tags you would like to show below.

All Tags vs Any tags

All Tags All Tags will show Jobs with ALL the selected tags.  Example: If you pick 'Tag A' and 'Tag B', it will show Jobs that have BOTH 'Tag A' and 'Tag B'.
Any Tags Any Tags will display Jobs with any combination of selected tags. Example: If you pick 'Tag A' and 'Tag B', it will show Jobs that have EITHER 'Tag A' or 'Tag B'.


Exclude Tags

To Exclude Tags in your search, click the drop down labeled Exclude Tags and select Tags you would NOT like to show below.


*To batch tag Clients, etc., please reach out to SingleOps support for an export.

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