Add Images to Jobs & Line Items

Images can be added to Jobs in SingleOps at both the Job level & the line item level. This feature is great for businesses that depend on images to track the health progress of a tree, to confirm that a Job has been successfully completed, to point out sections/areas of concern, etc. The photos can then be used on internal & external documents. 

In this article:

Add an Image to a Job

    Adding an Image to a New Job

    Adding an image to an Existing Job

Add an Image to a Line Item

Include Line Item & Job Images on Documents 


Add an Image to a Job

  • Acceptable Image Formats: PDF, JPEG, PNG
  • Size Limit: 25MB (amount of images can vary as long as the total size of all images does not exceed 25MB)

Adding an Image to a New Job

To add an image to a new Job,

  1. Navigate to Additional Options on the Job Edit page
  2. Find Attach Image(s)
  3. Select Choose Files to upload your image.Screen_Recording_2021-08-13_at_10.07.41_AM.gif

Adding an Image to an Existing Job

If adding an image to an existing Job,

  1. Click the edit button next to the Job you wish to add an image to
  2. Scroll down to find Attach Image(s)
  3. Select Choose Files
  4. Click to Open to upload. 

Or from the Jobs page

  1. Click the Job number to dropdown Job information
  2. Select Attachments
  3. Select View / Edit Photos
  4. Select Click to Upload, once you have picked the photos, click Close.Screen_Recording_2021-08-13_at_10.09.01_AM.gif


Add an Image to a Line Item 

  1. Navigate to the Job edit page
  2. Find & select the paper clip icon next to the line item
  3. Select Click to Upload to add your image(s)Screen_Recording_2021-08-13_at_10.23.12_AM.gif


Include Line Item & Job Images on Documents 

  1. Navigate to:mceclip0.png Setup > Templates > Document Templates
  2. Select Edit next to the document
  3. Select Additional Info
  4. Activate the settings depicted in the screenshot below: Screen_Shot_2020-08-26_at_3.00.08_PM.png
  5. Select Update Document Template to save your changes  



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