Custom Inputs

Custom Inputs available on Plus & Premier Tier, only.

In this article:

Custom Inputs Overview
Create a Custom Input
     Resource Type
     Input Types
Common Custom Inputs
Reportable Resource Types
Add Custom Inputs to Documents
Custom Input Sections Overview
Create a Custom Input Section
Custom Inputs Video


Custom Inputs Overview

Custom Inputs are used as a way capture information that is unique to your business. The inputs can be placed in a variety of locations throughout SingleOps & can capture data in several formats. Popular Custom Inputs include Lead Source, Visit Completion Notes, Square Footage (on a property), & Job Site Hazards.


Create a Custom Input 

  1. Navigate to:mceclip0.png Setup > More > Custom Inputs
  2. Select New
    *Note: Select Edit or Delete to make changes to an existing Custom Input
  3. Select a Resource type - The resource type determines the placement of the Custom Input. See Common Custom Inputs for examples.
  4. Enter a Name for the Custom Input.
  5. Order - (Optional) Custom Inputs of the same resource type are presented on the page in the order that they were created, however, should you later create a Custom Input that needs to appear above/before another, you can assign it an ordinal value here to determine the order (i.e.,1 for first, 2 for second, etc.).
  6. Input Type -  Select the best method for capturing your information
    *Note: dropdown options have character limit of ~250.
  7. Enter a Placeholder  -  This is an optional descriptive line of text which prompts a User to complete the field (i.e. "Enter Gate Code here").
  8. Section - (Optional) Follow the link for more information regarding Custom Input Section.
  9. Operations- Selecting Operations will hide this input from any job or contract not in one of the selected Operations.
  10. Check the boxes that apply in the checkboxes section.
  11. Select Save & Close or Save & New
    Now that you have created the custom input, see below- Where this will show-up in SingleOps

Resource Type

Where this will show-up in SingleOps

Job This resource type can be found on several pages in SingleOps: Create Job page, Create Lead page, Edit Job Template under 'Assignees'
Visit Job Complete page (for Crew)
Purchase order New Purchase Order page under 'Notes'
Purchase order line item New Purchase Order page under 'Purchase Order Details'
Contact New or Edit Client page in 'General' or 'Contacts' tab

*Note: This table only shows the locations of the most commonly used Resource Types. All other resource types can be found on their corresponding New or Edit page. (e.g. Vendor custom input can be found on the New Vendor page or the Edit Vendor page.)

Input Types

Text Single Line Text Box
Text Area Multi-line Text Box
Checkbox Box to Indicate Yes/No
Date Calendar Only
Date Time Calendar + Time
Time  Time Only
Dropdown List of Options



Important Checking this option carries different meaning based on the Resource Type:
Jobs - The Custom Input will be moved above the estimate section on the Job edit page. Otherwise, the Job Custom Input will appear under 'Assignees' in the Additional options section.
Line Items/Line Item Groups - The Custom Input will be presented as a main column in the Job's estimate table.
Required If checked, the applicable resource type cannot be saved until this value is entered.

Display on Show

Only applies to Job & Visit resource types; determines whether the Custom Input also shows on the Job & Visit show pages.
Available across account group (For Users only) Check box if this custom input should be available for all accounts in this account group.
Roles That Can Edit

When configured to a specific role(s), the Custom Input itself can only be modified by a User with that assigned role. Other roles will be able to see the Custom Input, but they will not be able to change the contents of the field.
*Note: If the Custom Input is configured for a specific role & is marked as Required, only the Users with that role will be required to input data into the field.  A User with a different role than assigned to the Custom Input will not be required to populate the field.


Check this box if this Custom Input should use the searchable widget.


Common Custom Inputs

Custom Input Name Input Type Resource Type Details
Square Feet Text Job Used to track job size. Often used in tandem with property measurements and production rates
Linear Feet Text Job Used to track job size. Often used in tandem with property measurements and production rates
Lead Source Drop down Job Used to track where customers hear about your business. Used in reports to track most profitable/successful marketing outlets. 
Rejection Reason Drop down Job Used to track why customers don't move forward with your business. Used in reports to track lost business. 
Opportunity Stage Drop down Job Used for sales reps to track sales progress on leads/proposals.
Species Line item Drop down Used in tree care to track tree species. 
Visit Completion Notes Visit Text area Used on visit completion for crew to add notes about the visit. 


Reportable Resource Types

Once you've created the Custom Input & collected data via the input, you can then use its values to reference, report, count, sum, average, sort, and filter your data. 
Listed below are the reportable Resource Types and the reports that each Custom Input type show up on.

Resource Type Report Type
Job Jobs report
Visits report
Invoices report
Custom Inputs Count Report
Line item report
Visit Jobs report
Visits report
Invoices report
Line item report
Client Jobs report
Visits report
Invoices report
Custom Inputs Count Report
Line item report

Line Item

Line Item Report

*Note: Dropdown Custom Inputs are included in the Custom Input Counts Report, other Custom Input types may be included in the Line Item Report & the Jobs Report


Add Custom Inputs to Documents

*Note: The only Custom Input Resource Types available for Documents are Job, Visit, Contract.

  1. Navigate to:mceclip2.png Setup > Templates > Document Templates
  2. Edit the Document Template
  3. Click on Additional Info 
  4. Next to Custom Inputs click on the +Add button

  5. Select the one you want to display on your document
  6. Once you select the display, click Update Document Template to save the change
  7. Now that you have added the Custom Input to the work order, if you create a job in the system, you can enter the information and it will be visible on the work order.


Custom Input Sections Overview

Custom Input Sections provide a method for segmenting Custom Inputs into Tabs. If there is a set of Custom Inputs that should be included on all Jobs for certain Operation(s), but is not needed for Jobs with other Operation(s), a Section can be created containing Custom Inputs for those specific Operation(s).


Create a Custom Input Section

  1. Navigate to:  mceclip2.pngSetup > More > Custom Inputs
  2. Either Create a New Custom Input or Edit an existing input.
  3. The Section Name field will only show if the Job or Client Resource Type has been selected.
  4. In the Section Name field, populate the text block with the name of the new Section.
  5. (For Job only) Add the Operation to indicate which Jobs should include this Section/Custom Input.
  6. Fill out the rest of the information (more information in Create a Custom Input section above)
  7. Save the Custom Input

You will now see on the Job or Client page the new Section:
Job Custom Input Section:Client Custom Input Section:

*Note: If a Custom Input is included in a Job, the 'Important' marker on the Custom Input will not impact its placement on the Create Job/Edit Job page. All Custom Input Sections are placed above the Job's Estimate section on the Jobs page. For more information about the 'Important' checkbox, see the Checkboxes section above.


Custom Inputs Video

*Note: Some of the content in this video may reflect a previous version of SingleOps. For a more accurate guide, please refer to the steps listed above.



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