Apply Discounts

Discount items in SingleOps can be used in two ways: as built-in discounts by percentage or applied directly as a Line Item to the job for a flat rate.

In this article:

Apply a Percentage Discount

Apply a Flat Rate Discount

*Note: If applying a Line Item Discount, do not use the Prepay Discount Item, create your own.


Apply a Percentage Discount

  1. Select Enabled next to Discount at the bottom of your Job edit page
  2. Select the Discount Item
  3. Enter a percentage in whole numbers (e.g., 40 for 40%)
  4. Include a description (optional)
  5. Select Tax Type
  • Pre Tax: discount will apply to the pre-tax total
  • Post Tax: discount will apply to the post-tax total


Apply a Flat Rate Discount

  1. Add the discount item directly to the estimate on the Job edit page
  2. Insert the discount amount as the unit price


*Note: Discounts (& their descriptions) will appear as a Line Item on Proposals & Invoices 



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