In this article:
Send an Invoice
When to send an invoice from SingleOps
The invoice document can be accessed and sent to the customer at any time throughout the job workflow. The one notable exception is for recurring jobs with fixed invoices. However, since the invoice will always be a reflection of the job in its current state, it's best to send invoices only when it is not expected that the billables of the job will change. Sending invoices that require subsequent corrections or additions may lead to confusion and erode confidence in your company.
- Invoices can be sent from several places within the app including the open invoices page, any of the job pages (proposal, active, completed, or approved), the My Day page, or even the client's profile page.
- On any of these pages, click the Message and/or Email button.
- On the Invoice Email page, select the Invoice Email template. This template will preload the email, including a link to the client's invoice, as well as the client's email address. The Sending Date & Sending Method will also preload for your records.
- Click Send to email the invoice
Batch Send Invoices
- Navigate to Invoices > Open Invoices
- Apply Filters
Common filter examples:- Invoice Date
- Invoice Status Open
- Select All or click the box on the far left next to each individual job you would like to send an invoice to.
- Click Batch Invoice
- On the Invoice Email page, select the Invoice Email template. This template will preload the email, including a link to the client's invoice, as well as the client's email address. The Sending Date & Sending Method will also preload for your records.
- Click Send
*Note: Follow these same steps to send an Invoice Overdue Reminder email. Update the date range or set up Invoice Automations to do this for you.
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