In this article:
During Lead Creation (On-Site Estimate)
Schedule a Task/Visit
From the Calendar
Scheduling from the Calendar most convenient for One-Off Services. (For more information about scheduling best practices, visit the Scheduling Best Practices article)
- Navigate to the
Calendar page
- Click and open Unscheduled Tasks and Visits, you can also utilize the Unscheduled TBD Visits for [Current Month] table - the latter being most useful if you know the month in which the Job is planned, but not necessarily the exact date.
- Drag-and-drop the unscheduled Task/Visits you would like to schedule into the Calendar.
*Note: The Calendar days contain both hourly time slots as well as an all-day section at the top of each day. (See more on Production Calendar below)Tasks can also be added by clicking the blank space anywhere on a Calendar. Fill out the New Task information and click Create Task when finished.
*Note: This Task will not associate with a Job if you leave the Job drop-down blank.
- Navigate to the
Symboles to note:
Calendar Production View
On a Production Calendar, all licensed Users will appear on a Calendar in a single view. This view will combine Sales and Crew under one Calendar view.
Please note that if a Task or Visit is assigned to multiple users, only Task/Visit will show up on highest priority User's Calendar, but will be included on all Assignees' MyDay pages.
Admin Users may change the company setting for Calendar views by going to the Set up > Account Settings >Schedule and changing the view under "Enable separate Production and Sales Calendars?"
From the Route Planner
Route Planner available on Plus & Premier Tier
Scheduling from the Calendar most convenient for One-Off Services. (For more information about scheduling best practices, visit the Scheduling Best Practices article). The Route Planner is useful for scheduling Jobs on a per-day basis and has the added functionality of showing each Job's location on a map. This will allow the User to see which Jobs are most logically grouped in a specific geographical area and also serve to load-balance work among different drivers or crews based on a predetermined route capacity. View this article here to learn how to most efficiently utilize the Route Planner.
Recurring Jobs (Best Practice!)
- Navigate to
Route Planner
- Utilize Filters to filter down to specific, Recurring Operation(s) (e.g. PHC, Irrigation, etc.).
- Click the
button in the top right to re-focus the map to show all ready-to-schedule Visit locations (in orange).
- On the User Level, utilize Route Operations and Optimize Route to determine where the driver starts and ends their route. (For more info and best practices, visit the Scheduling Best Practices article)
- When you're ready to schedule, click the Select button in the top right. This will allow you to batch schedule by clicking, holding and dragging your mouse across all Jobs you would like to schedule. Jobs will turn red.
- Click + Add Drives
- In the popup window, select a Crew and click Create Route.
- Navigate to
One-Off Jobs
- Navigate to
Route Planner
- Select a driver by clicking +Add a Driver
- Click Include next to the diver(s) you would like to use and click Add Selected Drivers
- Click the unlock button next to the driver's name
- Drag-and-drop the Task/Visit into the drive's schedule
*Note: the Route Planner's filters only apply to the Unscheduled Tasks/Visits table on the left. It is not possible to filter results in the Routes on the Route Planner. This differs from the controls on the Calendar, where filtering by both the Unscheduled Tasks/Visits and the Calendar itself is possible.
- Navigate to
During Lead Creation (On-Site Estimate)
Schedule a Task durning Lead Creation
- Navigate to: + Create > Lead
- Fill out Lead information as needed. At the bottom of the page, make sure Create Task with Lead is marked with a check. On Site will be checked by default.
- Schedule the Task by day and time by clicking on the boxes next to Start and Stop
- When finished, click Save & Close
Additional Notes
- If a Visit is deleted by accident - that Visit cannot be brought back. You will need to generate a new Visit for that Job.
- Setting the schedule on the Visit or Task pages will automatically update the Calendar Page. If the Visit or Task is assigned, the Visit or Task will also appear on the Assignee's Route Planner for the scheduled day (exception: Accounts with the Route Planner - Calendar 1:1 feature disabled).
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