Associate a Purchase Order with a Job or Visit

A Purchase Order in SingleOps can be associated with a Job or Visit in order to track costing or to add a billable expense to an Invoice. Although all Purchase Orders that sync to QuickBooks appear the same (as a Bill), associating a Purchase Order with a Job or a Visit will produce different results in SingleOps.

In this article:

Associate a PO with a Visit

Associate a PO with a Job


Associate a PO with a Visit

  • This association will produce the most accurate reporting & is considered best practice. 
  • This association affects Job Costing & Visit Costing inside SingleOps. 
  • The Purchase Order details will appear in the Expenses table on the Visit page.
  • In order to transfer the cost of a Purchase Order Line Item to a Client's Invoice, the Item must be marked as Billable on a Purchase Order that's associated with a Visit. mceclip1.png


Associate a PO with a Job

  • This association only affects Job Costing inside SingleOps; it will not affect Visit Costing.  
  • Purchase Order details will appear in the Purchase Order table on the Job show page.



You can find more information on creating & approving Purchase Orders here

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