Create & Use Labor Resources

Labor Resources are used to track employee time across workdays and specific events, such as time spent on a Visit. Note: Any employee who needs time tracking must be set up as a Labor Resource, even if they are already set up as a User.

In this article:

Create New Labor Resources

Manually Log Labor Details on a Completed Visit

Loaded Labor Rates

     Using Loaded Labor Rates

     Formula Suggestions & Examples

Labor Resources Video

Labor Schedules Video


Create New Labor Resources

  1. Navigate to:mceclip0.png Setup > Labor > Labor Resource
  2. Select New Labor Resource
  3. Complete the fields below:
    Name This should be the name of the Labor Resource

    This refers to the SingleOps User most commonly associated with the Labor Resource, including instances where the User is setting themselves up as the Labor Resource. In that case, they would select their own User.
    For example, a Labor Resource is typically associated with a particular Crew User. If Mike is a crew leader & a registered SingleOps User but his crew Bill & Jose are not SingleOps Users, you would set up Mike, Bill, & Jose as Labor Resources associated with the User, Mike. If your crews change constantly, you will want to associate the Labor Resource with the User they are with the most. 

    Labor Type This is typically the employee’s Job title or the type of labor they’re performing (i.e., Stump Grinder, Tree Climber, Overtime, etc.)

    These are hourly pay rates or loaded labor rates based on Labor Type

    Loaded Labor Rate Formula

    See the section below for more details on Loaded Labor Rate Formulas


    Select the default checkbox next to the labor type you want the system to automatically assign when clocking in the Labor Resource. If the Labor Resource has only one labor type, it’s recommended to check this box to ensure the Labor Resource is automatically populated in the Employees field when creating a Clock In/Out event for that user.

  4. Select Save & CloseScreen_Recording_2021-07-08_at_02.09.59_PM.gif


Manually Log Labor Details on a Completed Visit

  1. Navigate to: Completed Jobs
  2. Find & open the Job/Visit show page
  3. Click the Labor / Expense Details button
  4. Expand Labor Details
  5. Click the + Labor Line button
  6. Select a Labor Resource/Rate & complete the details, as needed
  7. Select Update or CompleteScreen_Recording_2021-07-08_at_02.44.50_PM.gif*Note: Labor Details can also be recorded through the use of Timesheets. You can find more information on Timesheets here


Loaded Labor Rates

Loaded Labor Rates allow you to adjust the rate of a Labor Resource based on a specific condition.

Examples of this for a given Labor Resource are: one Operation's labor costs 1.5x as much as labor on other Operations, or labor cost changes based on the value of a Custom Input called Difficulty which you have added to your account as a Job-level Custom Input.

As with Labor Resources in general, these amounts relate to the Cost of Labor recorded on a Job and not the Price. Labor Resources and any applied Loaded Labor Rates affect the Cost for more accurate Job Costing and profitability on reports. Conversely, the Price of Labor is set on the Unit Price of an Item in category: Labor, which affects the Billable amount. 


Using Loaded Labor Rates

After you Create a New Labor Resource, Loaded Labor Rate Formulas can be applied to a Labor Resource. To do this:

  1. Navigate to: mceclip4.png Setup > Labor > Loaded Labor Rate Formulas
  2. Edit a Labor Resource and set the Labor Rate to the Loaded Rate Formula you would like to use.
  3. When finished, click Update Labor Resource


Suggestions & Examples of Formulas

Formula #1- A Sample Multiplier

For our first example we will create a formula that applies a simple multiplier. Let's say that after examining your numbers you have determined that you need to "load" your labor by 50% to account for other direct expenses such as payroll taxes, health insurance, workers comp, etc in order to have accurate job costing. The first step would be creating a new formula:


While building your formula we have provided a list of all available variables that can be used. The list in your system may be longer than in this example because your operation, client, and job custom inputs are all available as inputs to the formula. For this example all we need to do is take the labor resource rate and apply a 50% markup. Our final formula is:

labor_resource_rate * 1.5

Once the formula is created it can be attached to any labor resource rate. Once that is done the labor costs for that labor resource will be boosted by 50% in all of your job costing reports. 


Formula #2- Using Custom Inputs

Let's make things a little bit more interesting. Let's say in your business, after examining your numbers, you have determined that your load factor for your tree operation is 50%, Maintenance is 35%, and PHC is 75%. To facilitate that, you can add a custom input to your operation and then bring that custom input into your formula. This way instead of hard-coding a 50% increase, your labor costs will be updated dynamically based on the operation of the job your team logs time against. 

To create this formula you can utilize operation custom inputs like this:


To make this easy, all available variables are provided in the list, and you can click on any of them to have them added to the formula automatically. Now the formula can be associated with any labor rate, and as long as those values are filled in on the operation you're good to go!


Additional Formula Examples

*Please note: Formulas which call text are case sensitive (i.e. if Operation is entered in SingleOps as PHC, then a formula calling this Operation should read "PHC" and not "phc")

Example 1: Operation

In the formula below, if the Visit Operation is Snow, the Labor Resource Rate will multiply by 1.5. If it is not, it will multiply by 1 (remain the same).

labor_resource_rate*IF(visit_operation_name= "Snow", 1.5, 1)

Example 2: Custom Input

In the formula below, if the Custom Input called "Job Variable" has a value of less than 10 on a Visit, it will multiply by 1.5. If the variable is 10 or more, it will multiply by 1 (remain the same).

labor_resource_rate*IF( job__variable <"10", 1.5, 1)

Example 3: Custom Input with IFS

In the formula below, if a Job/Visit's Operation is PHC and the Custom Input called "Job Variable" has a value of more than 10, the multiplier will be 2; if the Operation is PHC and the Job Variable is 10 or less, the multiplier will be 3. If the operation is no PHC, the multiplier will be 4.

labor_resource_rate*IF( visit_operation_name="PHC", IF( job__variable>"10", 2,3), 4)

Example 4: Custom Input as a multiplier 

If the Custom Input is the desired multiplier, the formula can be simplified to:



The formula engine is flexible and powerful; if these examples do not cover your situation, please contact us at and we would be happy to assist you with your formulas!


Labor Resources Video

*Note: Some of the content in this video may reflect a previous version of SingleOps. For a more accurate guide, please refer to the steps listed above.


Labor Schedules Video

*Note: Some of the content in this video may reflect a previous version of SingleOps. For a more accurate guide, please refer to the steps listed above.

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