Customer Types

Customer Types are a great way to categorize your Clients for reporting & pricing purposes.

In this article:

Create Customer Types

Using Customer Types


Create Customer Types

  1. Navigate to: mceclip0.png Setup > More > Customer Types
  2. Select New Customer Type
    *Note: Select Edit or Destroy to make changes to any existing Customer Types
  3. Enter a name (e.g., Residential or Commercial)
  4. Select Create Customer Type


Using Customer Types

  1. Navigate to: mceclip1.png Clients > All Clients
  2. Click Edit next to a Client
  3. Navigate to the Advanced tab
  4. Select the Customer Type from the dropdown
  5. Click Update Client 


Additional Notes

  • Customer Types can be used with SingleOps' Quantity Based Pricing feature. You can find more information on Quantity Based Pricing here
  • The SingleOps Report Catalogue includes a Sales by Customer Type report 




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