My Day Page Admin Overview

The My Day page allows Users to see their entire day in one centralized location and is ideal for Crew members to use in the field. Any assigned Task or Visit will display on the User's My Day page, even if the the Task/Visit is also assigned to other Users. Crew Users are also able to Clock In, Start Work, Complete Assigned Tasks/Visits, and Clock Out on this one page, simplifying and adding efficiency to his/her workflow.

My Day displays everything scheduled for a User on a given day (the page will default to today's date). This includes all assigned Tasks and Visits, as mentioned above, as well as an Items Summary, a Map with Pins representing stop locations, and helpful Visit information such as Crew Notes and Work Orders.

In this article:

My Day Page Navigation

My Day Components

My Day Page Video


My Day Page Navigation

  1. Navigate to: mceclip0.png My Day page
    From the Home Page, the Go to My Day button can also be used to access the My Day page.
    *Note: A Crew User's login landing page will default to the My Day page.

  2. Verify that the User and date listed at the top of the page is accurate. To navigate to different days, select the left/right arrows to advance/regress to consecutive days or use the calendar icon to select a specific day. mceclip2.png


My Day Page Components

Item List

The Item List for My Day can be found in the upper-left of the page. This list is broken into two sections.



Section 1 The first section is a list of individual Items for all Visits, which includes the total quantity for each Item across all Visits on that day.

Example: If two Visits for the day contain a Pruning Item, with the first Visit estimating 1 hour of Pruning, and the second Visit estimating 3 hours of Pruning, this chart would display the Pruning Item with a quantity of 4.0.

Section 2 The second section of this table contains Category/Subcategory Totals. This is a high-level summary of Item quantity by Category type (materials, services, equipment, and labor). Example: In the table below, the Category Labor contains the Items Residential Lawn Program (qty. 5) and PHC Spray (qty. 2) for a total quantity of 7.0. These Items are categorized as Labor on the Items' settings (Located in Admin > Items > Items). 


The upper-right region of the page contains a map marked with all stops for Tasks/Visits which have been assigned to the User and scheduled for that day. The map pin labels (A, B, C, etc.) represent the order in which the Stops have been scheduled. *Note: The My day page will max out at showing 15 stops on the map.

Clicking on the Map will take the User to a Google Maps Route with directions for efficient navigation to each Stop.


Stop Details 

The Visits and Tasks scheduled for the selected date will be listed in chronological order and will display details such as the Job name, Client name, the scheduled Start/Stop times, and the Visit Location address. Visits are denoted by the house icon, whereas Tasks are denoted by the notepad icon.  Visits will show any related tags. Tasks will bear an additional icon linking the Task to an associated Job. 

Each stop includes the following actions:

Message Selecting Message will allow you to e-mail or text 
More Info Clicking the More Info button will display more information for the Visit or Task
Other Actions These will differ based on the Task/Visit and timesheet status of the User  



The Documents section will display any related documents to which the User has permission to view. To see additional documents, select More

Additional Notes
  • If it seems that an event is missing, ensure that the Visit(s) or Task(s) are assigned to you, check that you are logged in as the correct User, & double check that you're on the correct day.
  • If the Clock In button is not appearing, ensure all Labor Resources were clocked out on previous days. If a Labor Resource is not clocked out, they will not be eligible for clocking In.
  • If a clocked in Crew User is only seeing the Complete button and not the Start Work button on a Visit/Task, make sure the User's assigned Labor Resource(s) has been clocked in. The Start Work button will only appear if a User has clocked in the Labor Resource(s) which are assigned to them.

See more information on Labor Resources

See more information on My Day & Timesheets for Crew Users.  


My Day Page Overview Video




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