Proposal Status

Statuses on the Proposal page help you immediately understand the critical details of a Proposal. They are automatically set by information you input into SingleOps, and designed to help you action Proposals quickly.

Status Image Description
Not Sent The Proposal has not been sent via email or text message.
Sent The Proposal has been sent via email or text message but not "Viewed".
*Note: The email/text template must be "Proposal" type in order for the proposal to show as "Sent":
    1. Navigate to:mceclip0.png Setup > Templates > Email Templates or Text Message Templates
    2. Create New or Edit an existing Email/Text Template
    3. Select Proposal from the dropdown, under Type.
    4. Click Save Email or Text Template when finished.

Viewed The Proposal has been sent and Viewed.
Viewed = The Client has viewed the Proposal in the Public Present Proposal page
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