Synlawn Inventory Guide

Manually Set Up & Manage Synlawn Inventory

Allocate Synlawn Inventory to Jobs

Ordering & Receiving Synlawn Inventory


Manually Set Up & Manage Synlawn Inventory

You can find a link to a video walkthrough here.

Inventory Set Up

    Add Inventory Locations (Warehouses + Bins)

        1. Navigate to: Purchases > Inventory Locations
        2. Create Warehouse(s): Add Warehouse + > Add Warehouse Name > Save
          *Note: You can edit Warehouses but you cannot delete them.
        3. + Add Bin > Add Bin Name > Save
          *Note: You can edit or delete existing bins

    Add Item Units to Inventory 

        1. Navigate to: Setup > Items > Add/Edit Item 
        2. Make sure the Item has the following attributes & then Save:
          Item Attribute
          Unit of Measure Square Feet 
          Item Category Material
          Inventoried (Checked)  
          Use Item Units (Checked) 
          Unit Type Roll 
          Linear Quantity Unit of Measure Linear Feet 
          Width (Roll width # will auto populate)

    Add Item Unit Fields (Quality & Dye Lot) 

1. Navigate to Setup > More > Custom Inputs

2. Click New

3. For Quality, make sure the Custom Input has the following attributes:

Custom Input Attribute
Resource Type Item Unit
Name Quality
Input Type Dropdown 
Add Dropdown Options


Key Display Order
First First 1
Second Second 2


4. For Dye Lot, make sure the Custom Input has the following attributes:

Custom Input Attribute
Resource Type Item Unit
Name Dye Lot
Input Type Text 


Manually Manage Inventory

  1. Navigate to: Purchases > Inventory
  2. Change Type to Item Units
To manually add a roll:

Select View Rolls next to an Item > Select Add Roll > Add Details > Save

To move a roll’s location:  Navigate to the roll’s detail page > Select Move Location > Warehouse > Bin > Save
To adjust a roll’s quantity:  

Navigate to the roll’s detail page > Select Adjust Quantity > Enter Qny Adjustment > Enter Notes > Save



Allocate Synlawn Inventory to Jobs

You can find a link to a video walkthrough here.

While Phase 1 covered the ability to manually set up & manage Synlawn inventory, this phase covers the following functionality:

      • Ability to allocate inventory to jobs for holds & cuts 
      • Ability to cancel holds or confirm cuts for jobs 
      • Inventory levels will auto-update when holds or cuts are confirmed or canceled for jobs
      • Users will be prevented from completing jobs with pending holds

Allocate Synlawn Inventory to Jobs

    Create Job 

      1. Create a Job & Add the Item(s) that are needed
        • Be sure you’re adding Items that have Item Units (rolls) associated with them - this setup was covered in Phase 1
        • Items added to Jobs should be measured in Square Feet

    Add Hold

      1. Once the Job is saved, open the Job show page & select + Hold  
        • In this modal, we display the available inventory that matches the Item(s) on your Job. 
      2. Expand the Item(s) to find available rolls & enter the quantity (in Linear Feet) you need to allocate from each roll. 
      3. Select Confirm 
        • Once a hold is confirmed, the held & available quantities on that roll will be updated across the system 
      4. Once a hold is created, you can open the hold to see details from the Job page or Item Unit page 

    Cut or Remove Holds 

          This can be done from the Job page or the Item Unit page

Remove Hold

      1. Click the X to remove a Hold
      2. Click Remove Hold in the confirmation modal

Cut Hold

      1. Click the scissor icon to complete (“cut”) the Hold  
      2. Select Complete in the confirmation modal


  • You cannot complete visits with pending holds. Any pending holds must be removed or cut before a visit can be completed.
  • Available & Held quantities on a roll will be updated across the system once a hold has been removed or a cut has been completed.

  • Details regarding who created, removed, or completed (cut) the hold, as well as when those actions were performed, are viewable in the holds table.



Ordering & Receiving Synlawn Inventory


        1. Navigate to Synlawn (in the left nev)
        2. Select New Order on the Purchase Orders Index page
          • Notes on creating a Synlawn Purchase Order:
            • The Vendor cannot be changed 
            • Ships to, Operation, & Freight Cost are required fields 
            • Users can only add Synlawn Products to Synlawn POs
            • Users can only adjust item quantity. 
            • "Sidemark" = notes field
        3. When finished, click Create Purchase Order
        4. Once an order has been created & is ready to send to corporate, the user must Promote the order. This can be done from the Purchase Orders Index page or the Purchase Order Details page.
          1. Click the Actions dropdown
          2. Select Promote
          3. Confirm? Click OK 
            • Once an order is promoted, this action cannot be undone.
            • Once an order is promoted, the user cannot edit or delete the order.
            • Order status & shipping updates are refreshed nightly. 
              • Statuses include:
                Placed The order has been created
                Promoted The order has been promoted to corporate 
                Shipped Corporate has shipped the product
                Received A SingleOps User has received the product 

*Note: If the User needs to communicate with Synlawn corporate regarding their order, they will need to reference the CAMS Order # on the Purchase Order Details page, not the Purchase Order Ref # from SingleOps.


        1. Navigate to: Synlawn > Purchase Order Index > Select Recieve (the receive button can also be accessed on the Purchase Order Details page under Actions)
        2. On the Receive Order page, the user can select the warehouse, bin, & quality of the items, & they can adjust the item quantity, as needed, & click Save
        3. Once the user hits Save, their Item Unit Inventory levels will automatically update.
          *Note: If the user wants to inventory Sundry Items, they will need to manually do so. 

*Note: Users can receive partial orders. All they need to do is remove any product they   have not received yet from the initial receive page. Once they do receive the product, they can open the receive page again for that same order & those items will be available to be received. The order will remain open until all products have been received.   



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