Q1 2024 Product Launch FAQs

Client Portal FAQs

Route Planner FAQs

General Questions Regarding the Quarterly Launch Process


Client Portal FAQs

Is the Client Portal a feature available to all customers? 

  • Yes. All customers accounts (regardless of product tier) will have the Client Portal activated. The Client Portal is an essential component of how SingleOps helps green industry businesses provide a professional experience for viewing and paying invoices, viewing and accepting proposals, and requesting service. Further, we encourage our customers to use the client portal as a place for their clients to access their work history (via paid invoices and accepted proposals), as it provides a higher level of service for their clients.
  • SingleOps customers not using SingleOps payments can still use the PDF invoice and proposal links to send their documents to their clients and accept payment through another payment provider.

The setting to hide the client portal from a client and specific contacts is no longer in the system. How do we prevent people from accessing the client portal who are not supposed to have access to it?

We recommend you only include contacts that should have access to the client portal on invoice / proposal email or text communications. Simply remove anyone from the email that should not have access to the client portal. 

How long do unaccepted proposals and accepted proposals appear in the client portal?

  • Accepted proposals will live in the Client Portal forever, as a way for your clients to access their work history with your company.
  • Unaccepted proposals will appear in the Client Portal once the proposal is sent via text or email from SingleOps and will remain there until they expire. You can set the expiration date in the Settings in SingleOps. (Account Settings -> Jobs -> (3rd option down) "How many days before proposal expires?") When proposals expire, they are automatically rejected and will disappear from the client portal.
    • Proposals that are created from “Active Job” page, the proposal will not appear in the client portal as an accepted proposal, though they will be able to see invoices.

How long do unpaid invoices and paid invoices appear in the client portal?

  • Paid invoices will remain in the portal forever, again, as a way for your clients to see their work history with your business.
  • Invoices are open and available for Client Portal as determined by your SingleOps settings (Acct Settings > Invoice). Unpaid invoices will remain in the client portal forever until they are paid via the portal or until they are manually set as “paid” in SingleOps.

Is the client’s proposal experience being updated as part of this launch?
No, the experience of viewing and accepting a proposal remains unchanged and is slated for the next phase of Client Portal updates later this year.

Can I customize the Client Portal request service form?
Not at this time though this is a need that we plan to research in the future.

Can I add the Request Service form to my website or my Facebook business page?
Yes to both. Here are instructions on how to add Request Service to your FaceBook business page and to your website.

When I delete a visit, will the invoice associated with the invoice also be deleted?
Yes, as part of this update, we are changing our client portal logic to delete invoices associated with deleted visits.
How are Operational Branding settings reflected in the Client Portal?
If you have Operational Branding turned on, the Client Portal will match the branding of the operation (assuming that client is only part of one operation). If the client is part of multiple operations, the branding of the portal will be inconsistent as we do not have customization for clients.


Route Planner FAQs

Is there a limit of how many visits can be scheduled across recurring visits?
300 visits is the limit. If you try to optimize more than 300 visits, an error message will appear. 

How does Route Optimization work in SingleOps?
On the Route Planner page (in premier product tier), you can add visits to a crew’s route under the driver’s name (e.g., crew lead). When you have the day’s visits on the calendar, you can click “Optimize Route” where SingleOps will give you the most time efficient order of visits and the route on the map for that particular driver on that particular day.

Can you filter unscheduled visits from the Route Planner by city or just add the column to the table?
Today, we just have the ability to add the City column to the unscheduled job list on the Route Planner page. 

Does the optimization apply to all subsequent visits?
SingleOps will not optimize all subsequent visits. It’ll optimize the route for the day they’re looking at. If you select “apply to all subsequent visits” when optimizing, SingleOps will take all regular recurring jobs on the calendar for that day, and change times to be applied to the current route during subsequent visits (e.g., Two visits that get optimized to 3pm and 4pm today will apply the same time slot to the next visits - a common landscape maintenance need; however it is up to you to determine if that time slot is appropriate for future weeks).


General Questions Regarding the Quarterly Launch Process

Where can I read more about the changes that are being made this quarter?
We have linked a detailed overview of the Q1 Release with video overviews of the new functionality under Product Updates in the Help Center.

Will there be product launches that happen outside of the quarterly cadence?
We plan to keep material product improvements to an end of quarter release cadence for at least 2024 (Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter releases). We will consider launching new functionality mid-quarter only if the change is minor and does not require training.

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