Detailed Overview of Q1 2024 Product Release

Anticipated Launch Timeline: Week of Mar 19, 2024



For our Q1 2024 product release, we are focused on making the platform easier to navigate, and helping you appear more professional in front of your clients. This March, we will launch minor enhancements to the: 

  1. Client Portal (end-client interface), and 
  2. Route Optimization tool.

An update to the Lead & One-off Job Proposal user interface was originally slated to be released in Q1 but we have decided to continue to build out this new experience, conduct further testing, and launch in Q2. Further communications related to this launch will be sent the week of launch. 


Overview of Changes to SingleOps 

(Expected the week of March 19th, 2024)

The changes this quarter will be minor - making improvements to the platform to position you and your team to appear more professional in front of your clients (i.e., Client Portal), with a bit of newly added functionality (i.e., Route Optimization). 


SingleOps Client Portal

    • Background
      • The PDF invoice in SingleOps’ client portal took a while to load and was not the most professional experience. We believe it also contributed to your clients failing to submit payment for invoices.
    • What’s changing? 
      • The end clients’ (Monster’s customers) Client Portal user interface is getting an update in an effort to increase the level of professionalism of the portal, and to increase payment conversion rates for end-clients submitting payment for completed jobs. We’ve observed a material increase to payment conversion rates in testing. 
      • The only material change to the client portal is that when your clients click on an invoice, they will go to an “Invoice Summary Page” instead of the full PDF invoice. This will help get your clients the critical information they need to submit payment. Your customers will still have the option to download / print the full PDF invoice with all the detailed information that you add to your invoices today. Again, this is largely a 1:1 upgrade with minor improvements to optimize for payment conversion rates.
    • Can I see the changes? 


Route Optimization

    • Background
      • Today, the start and stop location for Route Planner defaults to the company’s primary office location. Considering that not all employees want to start their day & their route from the office (e.g., from home, or another company location), the route optimization functionality does not accommodate for their actual schedule & location.
    • What’s changing? 
      • We are adding the ability for drivers to begin their routes from a custom route start and stop locations. 
      • We are also adding the ability to select visits, then choose to add a driver and "Create Route" so that you can apply the scheduling to all subsequent visits.
      • We are also adding the ability to filter/sort by city on the unscheduled visits section.
    • Can I see the changes?
      Here is a video overview of the Route Planner improvements.


Important Note: In our product newsletter on February 28th and in previous versions of this document, we hoped to release a new version of our leads and one-off jobs proposal pages into SingleOps. We have decided to pursue further internal testing prior to launching this update, so this item is expected to be delayed until Q2 2024. We are excited to release that update next quarter. 


Please comment questions you might have below, and we will respond to them to help ensure you and your team are set up for success come launch week. Thank you! 

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