Create a PHC Leave Behind or Completion Report

Create a PHC Leave Behind or Completion Report 

PHC Leave Behind or Completion Report Example


Create a PHC Leave Behind or Completion Report 

  1. Navigate to:mceclip0.png Setup > Templates Email Templates
  2. Select New Email Template or Edit next to an existing one.
  3. Edit the NameSubjectRecipient of the email by entering the desired text.
  4. Copy the text below into the body of the message, then make any desired updates.
    Note: For Technician Notes to pull through you will need a visit level custom input created called Completion Notes. 

    We visited your property today as scheduled. Below is additional information for your records. 

    Visit Date & Time: :visit_start_date: :visit_start_time:
    Client Name: :visit_all_names:
    Service: {% for line_item in visit.billable_lines }} %} {{}}  {% endfor %}
    Technician: :current_user_name:
    Technician Notes: {{ visit.custom_fields.completion_notes }}

    Please let us know if you have any questions and we truly appreciate your business!

  5. Optional: Edit Order Priority and Type (system required templates (the ones that cannot be destroyed) do not have these options, only user-created templates do.)
    • Order Priority - This determines what order this template will be sorted in when selecting an email template.
    • Type - This determines Automation category type. Example: Selecting 'Proposal' will allow this email template to be used under Proposal-related Automations.

  6. Preview any changes made to your email template by selecting a visit from the dropdown to the right of the edit form. To refresh a rendered email, select the Refresh button at the top-right of the rendered email to show your most recent edits.
  7. Once all desired updates are made, select Update Text Message Template.


PHC Leave Behind or Completion Report Example

Screenshot 2024-02-07 at 3.31.59 PM.png


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