Manage Purchases & Inventory Best Practices

Purchases & Inventory Daily Workflow Webinar

Purchases & Inventory Daily Workflow 



Purchases & Inventory Daily Workflow Webinar

Follow this link to the Purchases & Inventory Daily Workflow Webinar.

[3:04] Purchase & Inventory Daily Workflow Overview
[3:32] Create & Approve POs
[7:04] Manage Inventory
[9:22] Item Settings
[10:53] Q&A

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Purchases & Inventory Workflow 

Create & Approve POs

      1. Create a Purchase Order when ordering inventory of an Item or to manage purchases.
      2. To approve or edit a Purchase Order, navigate to Purchases > Approve Purchase Orders
      3. Once ordered materials are received, click the Approved button (Edit PO if necessary)
        Once PO is marked as Approved:
          1. This will sync into QuickBooks as a bill if Item is set-up as reimbursable. 
          2. This will add to inventory in SingleOps if Item is set-up as inventoried

Manage Inventory

      1. Navigate to Purchases > Inventory
      2. Select an Operation from the Operation dropdown
      3. This page displays all Inventory info and also allows you to Transfer Items, Deplete Items and Add Items.
        *Note: Inventory Item quantities will automatically deplete as the material is used on Jobs/Visits & those Jobs/Visits are marked as Approved. Learn more about SingleOps Inventory.


Item Settings for Managing Inventory

Set up your Items for best results when managing your inventory.

Navigate to: Setup > Items > Items > click New or Edit an existing Item.
*Note: Some of these settings are only available for accounts connected to QuickBooks. 

Item Setting Description
Category Set Category to Material to keep inventory organized.
Reimbursable Select the Reimbursable box if you would like the item to sync as a bill to QuickBooks when the PO or visit is approved.
Inventoried Check the Inventoried box if you would like to track this item in SingleOps Inventory.



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