ProPay Merchant Statement Breakdown

In this article:

Account Information & Header

Summary By Payment/Card Type

Summary By Day

Chargeback Details

ProPay CC Statement Example


Merchant statements provide you with a simple overview of your payment processing activity each month. Below is every column in the ProPay CC Statement broken out and explained. See ProPay CC Statement Example for visual context.

Account Information & Header

Month / Year The Merchant Statement will display all data within the month stated at the top of the page (February 2023). Recipient will receive this statement the following calendar month (March 2023). Dues (e.g. additional fees, dues and assessments) are calculated 2 months later and will appear in the statement issued the following month (February 2023 fees will show on April 2023 Merchant Statement). For more information on Dues - see Card Brand Fees below.
Account Number Merchant ID number
Company Name Your company's name
Recipient The name of your company's owner (last, first)
Address Your company's mailing address (Street number & name, City, State, Zip)
Credit/Debit Submitted The total dollar amount of credit/debit submitted for the month.
ACH Submitted The total dollar amount of ACH submitted for the month.
Chargebacks Chargebacks occur when either 1.) Your client enters in incorrect information when paying via ACH (routing/account #, personal info, etc...) which comes with removal of pending funds from ProPay account with a $25 penalty/processing fee. 2.) When your client disputes the charges through their credit card provider or bank. To reverse Chargebacks, you will need to provide documentation (usually the invoice) and Penalty/Processing fees (from disputed charges).
Refunds Total refunds from company back to customer in dollar amount.
Total Fees Total fees from 2 months prior (e.g. ACH processing fees, CC processing fees, sweep fees
Card Brand Dues Card Brand Fees are the fees that MasterCard, VISA, Discover, and any other major brands, charge to the merchant services for the use of those cards and are paid in their entirety, to those credit card associations. It is based on the total of your monthly sales volume for each credit card brand. They can be referred to as Card Brand Fees, Assessment Fees, or sometimes are referred to as "Swipe Fees" ($0.30).
These Card Brand Fees can be .14-.15% (basis points) of the monthly volume of your sales (derived from the previous month's sales). These fees should accrue at the end of the month, alongside your Gross Billing fees.
Net The total dollar amount processed by credit card and ACH minus chargebacks, refunds, and dues during statement period.
(Credit submitted + ACH Submitted) - (Chargebacks + Refunds + Total fees + Dues) = Net

Summary By Payment/Card Type

Card Type Card brand type (e.g. MasterCard, VISA, Discover, etc.)
Sales Volume Total dollar amount by card brand type.
Transactions Total number of transactions by card brand type.
Processing Rate For all card types: Competitive flat rates + 20c per transaction
For ACH: 1% with a $10 max
Processing Fee (Competitive flat rates + 20c per transaction) x (Sales Volume) = Processing fee
Transaction Rate For all card types: $0.20 per card transaction
For ACH: There is not transaction fee
Transaction Fee For all card types: $0.20 x Transactions = Transaction Fee
For Chargebacks: To remove pending funds from ProPay account there is a $25 penalty/processing fee.
*Note: The Processing fee + Transaction Rate may not match Total Fees amount perfectly, as other fees may be applied such as sweep fees ($0.30), etc.

Summary By Day

Date Date of transaction
*Note: It is possible that late month transactions may fall into the following month's statement. 
Credit Submitted Total Credit in dollar amount submitted on that date.
ACH Submitted Total ACH in dollar amount submitted on that date.
Chargebacks Total Chargebacks in dollar amount on that date.
Refunds Total Refunds in dollar amount returned on that date.
Total Fees Total fees in dollar amount charged on that date.
Net Amount Submitted Total net in dollar amount submitted on that date.
Withdraws Total withdraws in dollar amount deducted on that date.

Chargeback Details (If applicable)

Trans Number Transaction number
Chargeback Date Date and time of chargeback (Y/M/D Hour:Minute)
CC Last 4 The last 4 didgits of the credit card number that was charged back.
Invoice Number Invoice number (####)
Chargeback Reason Brief description as to why chargeback was issued.
Original Amount Original chargeback in dollar amount
Chargeback Amount Actual amount in dollar that was charged back.


ProPay CC Statement Example


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