Update Item Costs and Prices

In this article:

Bulk Update Item Costs

Bulk Update Item Prices

Bulk Update Margins

Update Item Costs and Prices (Video)

Rounding Options

Common Examples


Bulk Update Item Costs 

    1. Navigate to: mceclip0.png Setup > Items > Items  
    2. Apply desired filters 
    3. Select the items you would like to update from the available results
      • Note: Select all will select entries on the page displayed. You can update entries shown to 100 at a time if you need to adjust many items. 
    4. Select Edit Margins
      Apply: Are you applying an increase or decrease 
      To:  Will this update impact costs or prices?
      Select Cost

      Costs refer to direct costs of an item to your business. 
      By:  What percentage increase/decrease will you apply?
      Enter percentage value 

      Example: If item cost is $10 and a 3% increase is applied, the new cost will be $10.30.
      Round Price to Nearest: Leave Blank 
    5. Select Apply


Bulk Update Item Prices

    1. Navigate to: mceclip0.png Setup > Items > Items  
    2. Apply desired filters 
    3. Select the items you would like to update from the available results
      • Note: Select all will select entries on the page displayed. You can update entries shown to 100 at a time if you need to adjust many items. 
    4. Select Edit Margins
      Apply: Are you applying an increase or decrease 
      To:  Will this update impact costs or prices?
      Select Price 

      Prices refer to price of an item to charge your customer. 

      What percentage increase/decrease will you apply?
      Enter percentage value 

      Example: If item price is $50 and a 3% increase is applied, the new cost will be $51.50.

      Round Price to Nearest: Will round up to nearest 5c, 10c, 25c, 50c, dollar or 10 dollars.
      See more in table below. 
    5. Select Apply


Bulk Update Margins

    1. Navigate to: mceclip0.png Setup > Items > Items  
    2. Apply desired filters 
    3. Select the items you would like to update from the available results
      • Note: Select all will select entries on the page displayed. You can update entries shown to 100 at a time if you need to adjust many items. 
    4. Select Edit Margins
      Apply: Are you applying an increase or decrease 
      To:  Will this update impact costs or prices?
      Select both Prices and Costs

      Costs refer to direct costs of an item to your business. 
      Prices refer to price of an item to charge your customer. 

      What percentage increase/decrease will you apply?
      Enter percentage value 

      If item cost is $10 and item price is $50 and a 3% increase is applied, the new cost will be $10.30 and the new price will be $51.50

      Increasing price and cost by the same % does not increase price and cost by the same dollar amount which will change margins.

      Round Price to Nearest: Will round up to nearest 5c, 10c, 25c, 50c, dollar or 10 dollars. See more in table below. 
    5. Select Apply


Update Item Costs and Prices (Video)

*Note: Some of the content in this video may reflect a previous version of SingleOps. For a more accurate guide, please refer to the steps listed above.


Rounding Options

Option Example
Nearest 5 Cents If the default cost is $12.31, it will be rounded up to $12.35.
Nearest 10 Cents If the default cost is $12.38, it will be rounded up to $12.40.
Nearest 25 Cents If the default cost is $12.52, it will be rounded up to $12.75.
Nearest 50 Cents If the default cost is $12.60, it will be rounded up to $13.00.
Nearest Dollar If the default cost is $12.30, it will be rounded up to $13.00.
Nearest 10 Dollars If the default cost is $16.30, it will be rounded up to $20.00.


Common Examples 

Scenario Example
Annual Price Increases Filter to 'Service' Category, increase price by 2% before batch renewing jobs. 
Material Cost Updates  Plant list from a vendor was updated. Filter by 'Material' category, and select materials from vendor. Apply increase/decrease to cost. 
Equipment Cost Paid off a large piece of equipment? Decrease the cost to reflect new, higher margins.





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