Create a PHC Proposal

Create a PHC Proposal

Create a PHC Proposal Video

Example PHC Proposal

Create a PHC Proposal Mid Year

Create a PHC Proposal Mid Year Video


Create a PHC Proposal

  1. Create Proposal 
  2. Add Details: Customer, Job Name, Operation, Visit Location
    *Note: The Job Name will carry over when renewing recurring services. We recommend keeping the Job Name generic by using the default options of Client/Company Name or Billing/Visit Location. We do not recommend including the year.
  3. Add Location 
    Enter address in Visit Location field, address options will populate to select. 
    Note: If visit address is the same as the billing address, select 'Use Billable Location' to fill in address.
  4. Is this a one-off job or recurring?
    Select Recurring
  5. Add Start Date & End Date
    This will determine when the visit and invoice schedules start and end. Typically this will match your season.
    Example: We offer PHC treatments across a full calendar year, so my Start date is January 1 and my end date is December 31.

  6. Do you invoice every visit or on a fixed schedule?
    Select Per Visit
  7. Visit Frequency
    Custom and add visit schedule
    Example: Custom visits generated based on the number entered per month
    E.g. “1” is entered under June, July and August. Three visits generated for crews.
  8. Estimate
    Select +Add Item or +Add Item Group to add services, materials, labor etc.
    Actual  Items/item groups marked 'Actual' will be visible to crews on work orders. Only costs (what a service costs your business) will be available.
    Billable Items/item groups marked 'Billable' will be visible to customers on proposals and invoices. Only prices (what you charge a customer) will be available. 
  9. Go to Map & Notes 
    Add Map pins & Notes for customers and team. 
  10. Additional Options
  11. Select Save & Close

For PHC daily workflow, estimating, scheduling & chemical tracking tools, reporting and more see the PHC Best Practices article.


Create a PHC Proposal Video

*Note: Some of the content in this video may reflect a previous version of SingleOps. For a more accurate guide, please refer to the steps listed above.


Example PHC Proposal



Create a PHC Proposal Mid Year

A "mid year" PHC proposal is a PHC proposal created after the first round of treatment was supposed to start according to your annual treatment plan. Follow the steps below to ensure you are set up correctly for renewing the following year.

To Create the Proposal 

This can be done one of two ways:

  1. Create a PHC Proposal using steps outlined above. 
  2. For any treatment that will not take place in the current year, set the Occurrence(s) to 'Visit TBD' and enter a 1.
    *Note: This allows you to batch renew for the next year, but it will not generate as a Visit.
  3. Set the rest of the upcoming Visits to their correlating month. E.g. 'Visit 2 May - TBD'
  4. When finished, Save & Close


  1. Create a PHC Proposal using steps outlined above. 
  2. Make any treatment that will not take place in the current year non-billable & non-actual
  3. Use a Tag to flag the Job to remind the user that the Job will need to be updated once it is renewed.
    *Note: "Updated" = marking those Items as Billable & Actual in the new year.
  4. When finished, Save & Close


When Batch Renewing Jobs 

  1. Navigate to Jobs > Batch Renew
  2. Follow steps to batch renew recurring jobs
  3. On the Confirm Renewal window, adjust NEW START DATE and NEW END DATE to the full upcoming calendar year (Jan 1, YYYY - Dec 31, YYYY).
  4. Click Confirm


Create a PHC Proposal Mid Year Video

*Note: Some of the content in this video may reflect a previous version of SingleOps. For a more accurate guide, please refer to the steps listed above.


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  • Hi - Our standard IPM contract includes 5-7 monthly visits (depending on specific plant material/issues) plus a concentrated fall treatment (again, depending on plant material/observed issues).  Our current practices would have the monthly visit item showing on one line and clarifying a quantity of 5-7 and a per-visit price of $X, followed by a total of quantity x unit price.  In your example, you suggest taking that 1 line item and making it 5-7 individual line items that are all basically identical, except for the identification of "treatment #1", "treatment #2," etc.  We also use a pre-set visit schedule that assigns 1 visit per month for all months that we anticipate visiting the property.  Within the line item, we check off the visits that apply for each item during the job set up so that the visits set up with the correct item/pricing for each visit.

    In terms of using the "On-Demand" function for the visits, what is the advantage/trade-off of using "on demand," rather than a set visit schedule when we know that the tech will be visiting the property monthly?  It seems like setting up 5-7 individual items, rather than 1 item with a quantity of 5-7 makes the proposal and job setup a little more cluttered-looking, and can lead to confusion as to which item should be done on which visit, etc.  I have been encouraged to check out the "on demand" visit functionality, so I'm just trying to understand how it can save us time or make the back-office processing of accepted proposals/completed visits easier.  Thanks!

  • Typcially, we see an item group per round as chemicals needed may change visit to visit. Having them listed separately allows you to manage/track individual chemicals per visit. You can use on demand with one item group, and set the number of visits to any amount. I recommend reaching out to your Customer Success Manager for more insights on best practice set up for your account.

  • How does it know what month to assign the TBD visits to during renewal if there are multiple TBDs?  

  • Matt Spiece It will go in order of the items listed. For example I have a job signed in August:

    Custom Schedule 1 visit March, 1 visit July, 1 visit October
    PHC Round 1 Item - TBD, 1 visit 
    PHC Round 2 Item - TBD, 1 visit 
    PHC Round 3 Item - October 

    On renewal I change the date range to the full calendar year
    PHC Round 1 Item - March
    PHC Round 2 Item - July  
    PHC Round 3 Item - October 


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