Job Templates

Job Templates allow you to accelerate the speed in which you can create Proposals or Active Jobs by automating the creation process using a template with preselected information. 

In this article:

Create a Job Template

Use Job Templates

Job Templates Video


Create a Job Template 

  1. Navigate to: mceclip0.png Setup > Templates > Job Templates 
  2. Select New Job Template to create a new template or select Edit to make changes to an existing template
    *Note: Any edits made to a Job Template will only affect future Jobs. These edits will have no effect on Jobs that were previously created using the template.
  3. Complete the template with as much detail as needed.
    Template Name & Operation are the only required fields. The more information selected on the Job Template, the more time your team will save when creating Jobs.
  4. Select Save when finished

*Things to consider when creating a Job Template*

  • Locking an Item. This prevents users from changing the Item during Job creation by removing the Item dropdown on the Job Edit page. 
  • Using alternate Document Templates? These can be preselected on the job template level at the bottom of the page. 


Use Job Templates

Job Templates can be used in 3 ways: 

  • When creating a Job in the Proposal or Active stage
    1. + Create > Proposal or Active Job
    2. Toggle Proposal Template or Proposal Group Template
    3. Click Use Template next to the template you would like to use.
  • When converting a Lead to a Proposal 
    1. On the  Leads page, click the Job number to dropdown more Lead information.
    2. Click the dropdown arrow attached to the Convert to Proposal button.
    3. Click Convert to Job using a Template
    4. In the Template window popup, select the template you would like to use.
    5. Click Create Proposal or Create Active Job

  • When adding a Proposal Group on a Job
    • Add a Proposal Group at the bottom of Proposal page, Active Job page, or Completed Job page by clicking Update & Create Proposal Group.

Job Templates Video

*Note: Some of the content in this video may reflect a previous version of SingleOps. For a more accurate guide, please refer to the steps listed above.

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