Property Measurements

Job Site Mapping & Measuring available on Plus & Premier Tier

The property measurement tool can be used to mark & measure the square or linear footage of an area on a Job’s site map. The tool allows Users to determine the measurements of an area & then use those measurements to calculate production rates. The most common use cases of this tool are for turf care applications, sod or mulch installs, mowing, design/build projects such as retaining walls, fences, holiday lights, etc.

In this article:

Create a Property Measurement Custom Input

Setup your Account for Property Measurements

Use the Property Measurement Tool



Create a Property Measurement Custom Input

First, create the property measurement Custom Input(s) you would like to measure with on the Map.

  1. Navigate to: Setup > More > Custom Inputs
  2. Click New or Edit an existing Custom Input
  3. Create Custom Inputs for your measurements following the criteria highlighted below:

    Resource type  Job
    Name Measurement type (e.g.: sq ft)
    Input type Text
    Important Checked


Setting-Up Your Account for Property Measurements 

After you have created your property measurement Custom Inputs, we can now apply them to the Map.

  1. Navigate to: mceclip0.png Setup > Account Settings > Search Account Settings
  2. Search for "Property Measurement Custom Inputs"
  3. Select the applicable Custom Input(s)
  4. Select Update SettingsScreen_Recording_2021-08-06_at_10.52.24_AM.gif


Use the
Property Measurement Tool

  1. From the Job Edit page, select the Go to Map buttonmceclip0.png
  2. Select the polygon icon (to measure square footage) or the line icon (to measure linear footage) at the top of the screen Screen_Shot_2021-08-06_at_11.35.52_AM.png
  3. Click the map with the + to measure the relevant area(s) on the map.
  4. Once the shape is completed, the area is auto-filled with the selected color & the measurement is displayed in a new box to the left of the screen. Add a description & identifier to the measurement, as needed.
  5. Select the dropdown next to Applied To to determine the Custom Input linked to this measurement
    *Note: If you need to edit the area you've created, you can do so by first selecting the hand icon at the top of the map & then clicking to drag the marker that needs to be adjusted. There is also an "undo" option if you want to revert the marker to it's previous location.

    The screenshot below includes an example of linear (1) & square (2) footage measurements.Screen_Shot_2021-08-06_at_1.11.22_PM.png
  6. Select Save & Return to Job

    The measurement from the map will then be pulled into the selected Custom Input on the job & can be used to calculate Production Rates. Follow this link for more information on Production Rates




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