Apply Payments, Voids & Refunds

In this article:

Apply Payments

Apply Payments - Customer View

SingleOps Payments Processing Fees

Apply Refunds

SingleOps Payments Voids & Refunds 

SingleOps Payments Status 


Apply Payments 

  1. To apply a payment, navigate to an Invoice. You can do this from Invoice > Open Invoices or from the Job, Visit or Client Pages.
  2. Select Payments
  3. Select Process Payment 
  4. Select a Payment Method
    Follow this link for more information on Payment Method & Terms
  5. Complete the Payment information
    Note: The Amount will default to the full balance due. You can edit this to make a partial payment. 
  6. Select 'Send Receipt by Email' if you'd like to email a payment receipt to your customer. 
  7. Select Submit Payment



Apply Payments - Customer View 

SingleOps Payments is required for your customer to pay invoices on their end. Learn more here

  1. Send Invoice to your customer. 
  2. Your customer will click the link to their Client Portal.
  3. The Client Portal will display the Invoice Summary page.
  4. Your client will click Pay Now on the bottom right of the screen.
  5. They will be prompted with the following options:
    Add Bank Account If ACH enabled, customer can choose to add new ACH info, or choose a saved account.
    Add Credit/debit Cards Customer can choose to add new CC info, or choose a saved card.
    Remember my payment information This will encrypt card info so it will be available for use on future invoices.
    Enroll in autopay If enabled, your customer can agree to let you charge their card on their behalf. Lear more about autopay here. 
  6. When options are selected, they will click Pay Now and fill out their payment information.


SingleOps Payments Processing Fees

If enabled, processing feee line items will be automatically added to invoices paid by CC or ACH.


Apply Refunds 

This will be for all payment methods except Credit Card or ACH.

  1. Go to an Invoice or Job and select the Payments button. 
  2. Select Refund in the bottom right of payment details. 
  3. Complete the refund information
    *Note: The amount will default to the full balance paid. You can edit this to make a partial refund. 
  4. Select Submit Refund.
    *Note: For any refunds, the surcharging will be refunded as well, but there may be a refund fee associated with it



SingleOps Payments Voids & Refunds 

This will be for all CC and ACH payments made through SingleOps payments.

  1. Go to an Invoice or Job and select the Payments button. 
  2. Select Void or Refund in the bottom right of payment details.
    Note: Status will only be visible if using Propay.  
    1. Void will be an option when the transaction is “Processing”
    2. Refund will be an option when the transaction is “Settled”
  3. Complete the refund/void information
    Note: The Amount will default to the full balance paid. You can edit this to make a partial refund. 
  4. Select Submit Refund.

*Note: For any refunds, the surcharging will be refunded as well, but there may be a refund fee associated with it


SingleOps Payments Status 

A payment status will be displayed for payments made through SingleOps Payments. Payment Status will only display if using ProPay as your merchant processor. 

Status  Detail
Processing Payment has not been processed through ProPay
Settled Payment has been processed through ProPay


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