Sales Rep/Estimator Best Practices

Get professional estimates to customers quickly to close more business faster. Enable your sales teams to maximize opportunities and utilize detailed analytics to understand the health of your sales organization. Utilize the tools listed below!

Sales Rep/Estimator On-Site Workflow

Upsell & Get Paid Faster

Manage Your Pipeline

Track Your Success

Daily Workflow Video 


Sales Rep/Estimator On-Site Workflow

Watch the Sales Best Practice Webinar and/or follow workflow below.

After a Lead is created in SingleOps, the Sales Rep/Estimator will perform an on-site estimate.

  1. Meet with the customer on-site
  2. On your tablet, build out a Proposal in SingleOps using all the tools below
Job Templates  Make sure Job Templates have been created for your common services offered. This will save you time by pre-populating items, pricing, tags, etc. 
Property Measurements This is a tool that can be used to mark & measure the square or linear footage of an area on a Job’s site map. 
Map Pins Map pins can be used to denote locations on a Job's site map in order to mark trees, target work areas, pinpoint hazards, etc.
Production Rates These are formulas that calculate quantity for an item (not price). These are great for quick and accurate estimating. 
Secure Signature Onsite Once the proposal is created, open up the preview and lock in your signature. If the 'Should clients sign to accept proposal?' account setting is enabled, they can use their finger to sign and accept right from your phone or tablet. 


Upsell & Get Paid Faster

Options Proposals This allow you to upsell by adding recommended products and options. This provides flexibility to your customers, ensuring they accept your business.
ProPay ProPay is SingleOps' payment processing system that includes the ability to process payments via CC and ACH.

GreenSky Financing

GreenSky is a lending financial technology company that offers financing options right form your SingleOps proposal.


Manage Your Pipeline

Custom Inputs Create a dropdown custom input for Lead Source, Stage and Reject Reasons. 
Automations Spend less time on followups, and enable the Client Proposal Followup automation.
Manage Leads  Track all outstanding Leads. Filter to yourself as the Sales Rep to see everything in your name.
Have you performed estimates for everything assigned to you?
Make sure to reject anything that isn’t moving forward, or convert to proposal to send out your estimate.
Manage Proposals Track all outstanding Proposals. Filter to yourself as the Sales Rep to see everything in your name.
Adjust columns to include Proposal Date, First Proposal Sent and Last Email sent. Use this to stay on top of your outstanding proposals.


Track Your Success

Sales Rep Report Track the team's conversion rates using the Sales Rep Report. 
Summary Data Use Summary Data to track revenue by your custom inputs for Lead Source, Stage and Reject Reason. 


Daily Workflow Video

*Note: Some of the content in this video may reflect a previous version of SingleOps. For a more accurate guide, please refer to the steps listed above.


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