Billing & Invoicing Best Practices


Daily Workflow 

  Confirm Billable Items & Approve Jobs

  Send Invoices

Daily Workflow Video (~4 minutes) 

Get Paid Faster 

Reduce Data Entry & Limit Access to QBO


Daily Workflow 

Do these actions daily if you oversee billing for your business. These best practices will help you get paid faster, spend less time on collections and ensure your accounting is up to date. 


Confirm Billable Items & Approve Jobs

Go through completed visits/jobs on a daily basis to confirm all costs and billable items are correct. Confirm materials, expenses, equipment, labor and service items have correct quantities, costs and prices. 

  1. Open Completed Jobs/Visits Page
  2. Apply Filters: Can be whatever you desired, below are some common options:
    • Date Filter On: Completed on
    • Date Range: Yesterday, Last 7 days, etc. 
    • Assignee or Operation: This allows you to approve groups of visits at once
  3. Confirm billable information. Review all jobs/visits, make desired edits to ensure billable items and costs are logged correctly
  4. Batch Approve - check All, and select Approve 
    *Note: Approving visits/jobs will trigger invoice to sync to Quickbooks by default for one off jobs and per visit invoicing visits on recurring jobs. 


Send Invoices

Send Open Invoices daily  to keep up with outstanding revenue. Be sure to take advantage of Invoice Automations to take this step off your plate!

  1. Go to Open Invoices Page
  2. Apply Filters: Can be whatever you desired, below are some common options:
    1. Invoice Date
    2. Invoice Status 'Open'
      Learn more about Open Invoices here.  
  3. Select 'All' and Batch Invoice  

Note: Follow these same steps to send an invoice overdue reminder email, just update the date range! Or, set up Invoice Automations to do this for you. 


Review Invoice Account Settings 

This will only need to be done one time to ensure invoicing, payments and quickbooks settings are configured for your business needs. 

  1. Navigate to:blobid0.png Setup > Account Settings > Invoice
  2. Configure Invoice settings 


Daily Workflow Video (~4 minutes)

*Note: Some of the content in this video may reflect a previous version of SingleOps. For a more accurate guide, please refer to the steps listed above.


Get Paid Faster

  • ProPay
    ProPay is SingleOps' payment processing system that includes the ability to process payments via CC and ACH.
  • GreenSky Financing
    GreenSky is a lending financial technology company that offers financing options right form your SingleOps proposal.
  • Automations
    Increase efficiency and free your team up to focus on what matters most. Automations allow you to set up automated email notifications to get you paid faster, close deals faster and improve your client's experience. 


Reduce Duplicate Data Entry 

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