Change Orders

In the article:

Use a Custom Input

Use an Item Group

Edit the Job, Save Original PDF

Duplicate the Job


In SingleOps, there are a few ways to manage and track Change Orders:

Use a Custom Input

  1. Create a Line Item Custom Input called 'Change Order' and make it a dropdown with options Yes or No.
  2. When adding Change Order Line Items to a Job/Visit, select Yes in Change Order dropdown option.

This will change the original estimate in SingleOps, and provide record of which items were added after signature. Line Item Custom Inputs will populate in the Line Item CSV. Learn more about Custom Inputs here


Use an Item Group

  1. Create an Item Group called 'Change Order', include no Items in Settings. 
  2. Add the Change Order Item Group to a Job/Visit when new Items need to be added. 
  3. Add item to Item Group to include all additional Items. 

This will change the original estimate in SingleOps, and provide record of which Items were added after signature. Many Reports can be filtered by Item Group.


Edit the Job, Save Original PDF

  1. Download Proposal PDF
  2. Edit the Job in SingleOps

This will change the original estimate in SingleOps, and the original is saved via PDF download. 


Duplicate the Job

Option 1: Duplicate the Job with detail. 
*Note: If a new signature is required, duplicate as Proposal, otherwise duplicate as active Job.

Option 2: Add additional change order Line Items to newly created Job.

Option 3: Add original Job Reference Number in internal notes. 
If desired, you can also download the original proposal PDF and add it as an attachment to the new Job for reference. 

Option 4: Reject original Job. 
*Note: We recommend creating a 'Reject Reason' dropdown Custom Input. If created, you can denote 'Change Order' as the reject reason. This will enable you to filter these out when reporting on lost sales. 



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